MovieChat Forums > Grizzly (1976) Discussion > Grizzly... Inspired Nightmare

Grizzly... Inspired Nightmare

I only saw half of the movie if that when I was a kid and it gave me a really terrible nightmare... And I dreamt that I killed the bear with a bazooka. First time I dreamt a dream through to it's end. Really good in doing that. But I haven't been able to find the movie since:( to see it all the way through.

A day w/out writing is a day wasted


I'd forgotten all about this film till I was reading another poster's reviews... I watched it in television when I was a child in the '70s and it gave me nightmares too

I'm only going to say this once: stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler


I remember being a child and seeing ads for this movie on tv. When the ads came on I would go hide because I was so scared. I was 5.


My mom took me and my sis to see this movie when it first came out. I had just turned 6 years old and it has definitely inspired many years of nightmares. I couldn't even guess the number after all these years. I just know that whenever a grizzly bear shows up in one of my dreams I can trace it all the way back to this movie. I came across this movie about 15 years ago while looking for a video to rent and decided to reminisce. It was nowhere near as horrifying as I had remembered as a child, but it still affects me to this day...


I was 8 when we went to the movies to see it...i too had nightmares. This and Jaws dominated my nightmares at that time.


This movie is still as unpleasant today as it was when I saw it on TV 30 years ago. I just watched it this evening. Don't watch it if you've just had an argument with anybody and it's cold where you live. I wish I'd saved it for a warm night. It's not escapist fare.
