MovieChat Forums > Grizzly (1976) Discussion > was on TCM last nite

was on TCM last nite

TCM is becoming the coolest cable network

First time ever, they showed Grizzly last night

Grizzly is probably the best Jaws rip off movie ever made

I saw this movie in June 1976 and it totally blew me away, even though I saw Jaws the year before

This movie kicks so much ass.

Good times.



On their TCM Underground slot, they've been showing a lot of these types of movies; cult classics, horror B-movies, creature flicks etc... pretty cool.


They aired it back-to-back with Night of the Lepus (1972)...great B-movie double feature...although I must admit, Grizzly was a pretty $h1!tty flick! An obvious Jaws ripoff, except hardly any suspense. Hope Lepus is better.

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


I REALLY wish I had not missed it, but I never knew they were playing it until afterward...

The one chance I could have had to see one of my all time favorite movies on TV, I missed it. Sh!t!!!!


Crap! I would have loved to see this again. I will have to be on the lookout for it on TCM.

Edit update: It's coming on tonight at 2am on TCM....I don't have a DVR so I'm going to try to stay up to watch it.


watching it now.

is a good way to keep up with what is showing on Underground.


I think Friday is their TCM Underground night. They tend to show two horror movies Friday nights. Usually they're all the same, but I think GRIZZLY is a new one.

I actually missed it, but I own the DVD, so I'm not mad.

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