Has anybody else read the novel?
There's a movie tie-in paperback for "Grizzly". It's a quick read as it's very short, but the thing that always sticks with me about the book is how vivid the descriptions are of the victims' deaths. It's extremely gory, much more so than the film. For instance, the very first victim has her arm ripped off like in the movie, and then the bear shreds her chest, ripping the flesh out and breaking open her ribcage. She's still alive for a few seconds after it happens, and she screams for the bear to leave her alone because she's dead. The second victim has her back ripped out, but the narrative makes her even more sympathetic by revealing that she was in terrible shock and was imagining herself back in her home waking up to the smell of fresh coffee.
It's still a cheap movie tie-in novel, but it's fairly well written, and worth the short time it takes to read.