Horrible DVD....

Just got this in the mail the other day...Quite a few scenes are out of focus...The least they could of done was touch this up a bit.



I just watched the region 2 MGM release from the Netherlands. Although it is a beautiful 2.35:1 anamorphic transfer, I also noticed that a few small scenes were out of focus. Perhaps it's in the original materials?


I'd imagine it's just the way the movie is... But, yes it would have been nice had they done some editing to fix it up a bit.. Toss your DVD in the trash if you don't like it.. LOL, or better yet, donate it.

There's nothing that a little less attitude wouldn't cure! *slap*


Seems to me, that's the way it was filmed.
Just watching an HD transfer that is the same...some scenes out of focus.


It helps to watch this movie drunk. Everything is in focus and the writing makes sense.


Most movies benefit from viewing while drunk
