the uncut version
The edition from Severin films is actually the full, uncut edition, beautiful widescreen print with Italian audio/English subtitles. this is the definitive version for any one looking..
shareThe edition from Severin films is actually the full, uncut edition, beautiful widescreen print with Italian audio/English subtitles. this is the definitive version for any one looking..
By "uncut", do you mean including hardcore inserts?
For this film there were never hardcore scenes, they don't exist. D'Amato began adding hardcore footage to his later films in the series, but this first film is strictly softcore, although the ping pong ball scene is pretty graphic. This edition from Severin is the complete version.
shareThanks. I've since got the movie. Fairly good, but "...In America" is still my favourite - it's a sleaze monster.
Have you seen - I think it's - "...and the white slave trade" or something? Can't be arsed looking it up. To be recommended?
Yes, I've seen and own "Emanuelle & the White Slave Trade," it is one of the finest in the series, concerning the film style, storyline, and most of all, nico fidenco's score which is the best ever for this film. Until Severin films restored this one, it was the rarest title in the series, seen by very few until now. It is alot of fun and one of my favorites, only don't expect the sleaze level of "Emanuelle In America," as D'Amato never quite reached that pinnacle again, until of course that remake of "Caligula," also with Gemser. Only "Emanuelle Around the World" came close, with it's hardcore footage, and boasting 10 rapes, including 2 involving animals! I recommend it as well!
shareA friend and i saw Emmanuelle In Bangkok back in the '90s, on late-night Showtime or Cinemax or some other cable movie channel. Ha! Little did i know I'd be hunting down the same director's horror films, years later...
"Cain and Abel will go to Heaven... if they can make it through Hell!"
-Los Hijos Del Topo
I had taped off of Cinemax on Beta and the ping pong scene was intact, if not a teeny bit choppy. Now, I'm kicking myself for losing a tape. I even tried renting in from a cult video website in the 90s, but it was the chopped up R-rated version.
Yeah, I remember it from Cinemax too. I am convinced they did something optically to cut down on the vaginal detail. Maybe they contrasted out the area so that the vulva would appear to be more covered in pubic hair but you could still see the ball going in.
Up until the DVD, I believed they must of put dark makeup on her to hide detail from the camera. But on DVD, you can see that is not the case.
Polls... One of the Main Stream Media's Jedi Mind Tricks.
The Severin DVD looks and sounds fabulous. Moreover, the box set I purchased with three Emanuelle films in it comes complete with a bonus soundtrack CD that include this movie's gloriously giddy'n'goofy theme song "Like a Sailing Ship"!
I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!