The Monkey

i was flipping through the channels one night and saw part of this on IFC .... i saw the part where the monkey dies .... and we got this classic line : "Hey Mister ... your monkey is dead" ...... could someone tell me why the monkey died ? I mean i messed just about everything before that ...


Who the heck knows. But it creeped me out the first time I saw it.


oh okay .. i just thought i missed something .. i figured there must have
been a reason the monkey just kieled over and died ....


I'm watching it right now. I couldn't see why it did either.

Oh poor Neville Brand, Carolyn Jones, and Stuart Witman. Oh, how the mighty are fallen.

Guess the blond girl (1st victim) should have slept with the hotel owner (Neville). Maybe she'd still be alive (haha).

What's with the husband, wife and little girl - I'm specifically thinking of the wife. Didn't she have black hair? And then blond. It was obviously a wig (wasn't it)? Why?


I watched this the other night on IFC and all I can tell you is that the wife character was wearing a blonde wig when she arrived at the hotel. As for the back story to the three people you mentioned...nothing was really covered. To be honest, I would not have watched this film had it not been for Robert Englund, as I am and always will be a huge fan of his. I know it's off topic but I swear I ran his scenes back at least three times (we have DVR), especially the shirtless ones and judging from the comments you can find on the message board about him I was probably not the only girl that did that! I enjoyed the film but it was a little confusing...then again, it was the 70s and I am sure many other movies made at that time were the same way.


I'm watching it right now and I thought to myself that she should have just let Buck in the backdoor after all.


sure that the monkey did die for boredom.


I'm guessing it died because he either didn't feed it enough or poisoned it.

