MovieChat Forums > The Eagle Has Landed (1976) Discussion > Remake, who's your choices????

Remake, who's your choices????

sound off.....


i don't think any actor we have today can portray kurt Steiner and Max Radl.


Ralph Finnes?


I really can't think of any actor in today's age who would be able to portray the roles of Liam Devlin, Herr Oberst Steiner and Herr Oberst Radl.

What really bugs me when I see the (few) WW2 movies made in these times is the language and the dialogue delivery. Unfortunately, they are mostly plagued by current slangs at some part and the way the actors deliver their dialogues does not depict the way people spoke and behaved way back then. And you are like "Wait a minute! They never spoke like that in the 40s! They never used those slangs and the English language was a lot purer and formal in those days." This simply defeats the purpose of it all. True,the graphics are a lot better these days, but then thats not a thing to rely on!



Surely Hollywood can do this as a remake and manage to kill Churchill where the germans didn't manage it? Let's face it if they remade the movie it would be the americans who won the war, defended Churchill and killed all the nazis a la pearl harbour and the awful enigma u boat film. On this humerous note may i suggest the new casting:

Devlin Keifer Sutherland
Pitts George W Bush (no acting necessary)
Cpt Clark Arnold Schwarzenegger
Himmler Saddam Hussein

I'll get back to you on the roles yet to be cast.......


Big shout out to the Paddy Consadine suggestion for Devlin. Great choice. If he's unavailable, I reckon Cillian Murphy has more than enough slippery smarm to pull it off.




Forget about remaking the Original make the sequel too many remakes out there.


What does Oberst mean?

The jacket Steiner wears what kind is that?


Oberst is German for Colonel.



looks like leather


Oberst = Colonel

It's interesting to note that most of Steiner's Fallschirmjaeger (paratroopers) are NCO's (sergeants)... these ranks are indicated by the silver braid around the collars and shoulder boards. However, Steiner's right hand man is a Hauptmann (Captain). It would follow that higher-ranking men would comprise such a special operations unit... in real life, the German Army's elite "Brandenburger" commando unit was like this.

Steiner's black leather jacket was simply the type that many Luftwaffe pilot officers privately-purchased. I've seen original photos of paratrooper officers wearing similar jackets.... apparently available to all Luftwaffe officers (the paratroopers of course being part of the Luftwaffe or Air Force, not the Army). This jacket is the equivalent of the American A-2.

Agreed, no need to remake this one! Instead, they should do a film about some other Fallschirmjaeger adventures, perhaps even the invasion of Crete.


Oberst = Colonel


Why not answer the original question or shut up, you nob?



Please, do we have to consider again Cedric the Entertainer in a remake?



...and does he do it?

My choices for a remake:

Steiner: Thomas Kretschmann

Radl: Ralph Feinnes

(Actor playing) Churchill: Brian Cox

Devlin: Viggo Mortensen

Himmler: Ben Kingsley

The Gung-Ho US army captain: Ed Burns

The Gung-Ho US army colonel: George W Bush



So tell.




André Hennicke as Kurt Steiner

Thomas Kretschmann as von Neustadt

Michael Mendl as Max Radl

Cillian Murphy as Devlin

Tilda Swinton as Joanna Grey

Scarlett Johansson as Molly

Ian Holm as Father Verecker

Ulrich Noethen as Heinrich Himmler

Matthias Habich as Admiral Canaris

Eric Bana as Captain Clark

David Morse as Colonel Pitts

Daniel Brühl as Karl



You sir, if you are not already working for a movie production house (perhaps specializing in remakes of already good movies for quick cash), should avoid seeking a career in the movie production business. Seeing as it is already full of talentless, money worshipping, lazy, soul destroying, shameless hacks. Your particular ideas, while still offending the public at large who like old movies the way they are and don't want their memory tarnished by shoddy remakes, would also be looked down upon by the other no good talentless hacks out there.

If on the other hand you do already work for one of those production houses and are perhaps vetting your ideas with the public before recommending your production house buy up the rights to this film, then I dutifully suggest that you seek redemption by removing yourself from polite society by positioning yourself behind a large paper-thin army basic training target grid during shooting practice. Take some of your producer friends with you. Please, do everyone a favor.

For everyone else reading this poor, pathetic thread, do any of you notice that whenever you visit the page for a really good movie from a few decades ago, there is sure to be someone there asking everyone what they would think of a remake of this and who would you like to see cast in it and here is what I would change about it? Is IMDB being used by producers to vet ideas about easy to make remakes? Are we in fact helping them to put out substandard product based on well made movies, whose only crime was to have been made before the 14 to 25 year old crowd had a chance to see them? Will using the same script and adding todays special effects make up for the substandard acting that inevitably infests these remakes? I say that if these parasites who have taken over Hollywood cannot come up with ideas of their own then they should step down and hand the reigns of power in Hollywood to a new generation of film makers who are willing to take a chance instead of retreading older movies into mediocrity.

Anyone else contributing a cast call of recent actors to remake this film deserves a wakeup call consisting of a swift, solid kick in the posterior.


great rant pal, but your waaaaay off the mark here.....

I'm just a regular slob like you.......

And while I DID see this film in the THEATER when it was released (do you recall theaters and not movieplexes? h*ll I probably even sat in the balcony!), I do however like to exercise some creative thought (which, I now know you think I posess very little) in seeing who others might think a darn good movie of yesteryear would be done up with today.

and just remember, opinions are like.....well you know the rest

I got mine, remember you have yours too pal


Don't bother. Enjoy the original and let todays actors make something new!



I didnt read all of these and i might be saying something someone already said,but casting for devlin in the remake would be easy.Cillian Murphy.hes slick and smooth and could trick any country bumkins into thinking he's legit.also how about make the sequel which has Devlin(Murphy)in it.casting steiner and radle would be tough though.


Thomas Kretschmann or Christian Bale as Kurt Steiner

Gabriel Byrne as Max Radl

Brad Pitt(seriously, his cheekyness irishman in Snatch win me over) or Paul Bettany as Devlin

Sigourney Weaver as Joanna Grey

Ron Livingston as Captain Clark

Nick Nolte as Colonel Pitts


Steiner Daniel Craig
Preston Pierce Brosnan
Radl Sean Connery
Joanna Grey Helen Mirren
Pit John Wayne(archive footage+CGI)
Devlin Stephen Rea


Liam Devlin - Jim Carey
Herr Oberst Steiner - Will Ferrell
Herr Oberst Radl - Vince Vaughn
Himmler - Morgan Freeman
