too many contrivances (spoilers)
I saw this as a kid and liked it but a recent viewing showed too many weaknesses. The characters are barely sketched, the action is a long time coming and it's a bit bland. And then comes these:
1. Saving the Jewish girl by the railroad, happens way too fast & did Steiner really think she could get away?
2. Molly falling for Devlin after knowing him all of 2 minutes, even to the point of covering for him knowing he's a traitor & murdering for him!!!! The whole plot was about to go south before the troops had landed if not for Molly shooting the town bully.
3. Doesn't matter if you wearing a German uniform under the Polish ones, you presented yourself falsely & are a spy. Saving the girl and being exposed like that, come on.
4. Larry Hagman being an idiot trying to take on the Germans by himself & even pulling the pin on a grenade while stalking a woman? Shoot & blown up, a little overkill there.
5. Both spies reveal themselves in front of everyone for no good reason. Shouldn't they stay in the shadows?
6. Steiner getting to Churchill after having no clue where he is and being on his own while walking around in a German uniform? I'll give them the final twist, that was nice after thinking the film had just changed history.
See Went the Day Well? for what must have been Higgins inspiration (& a better film). Pleasence played a great Himmler, too bad he isn't in the film more.
Expansion to your ego.