Why get Geraldine Chaplin to play two roles?
It throws you off at first. What's the point?
shareShe's a mother and a young woman in "Raise ravens".
Sorry, barely remember details of this great movie.
Thanks for the question!...will re-watch it now. 🐦 🐦
So, rewatched it...really a great movie. ♥
To answer your question Wikipedia helps:
As in his earlier films, especially "Cousine Angélica", one of Saura's main themes is the different levels of time that exist in life. In "Raise Ravens" he weaves the present and the past, dreams and memories together without clear dividing lines, until they merge into a mosaic in little Ana's world, in which magical elements such as reviving the dead or flying from the roof of a house are possible varieties of reality.
The interlocking of the various levels is most evident in the role of Geraldine Chaplin. From one scene to the next she changes from adult Ana to the mother in Ana's memories or from her as a real person to the dream figure that Ana conjures up in her forlornness.
Porque te vas 🎵 🎶
Interesting. But I think he could have illustrated it better. While I think he did a good job of weaving past and present, I never got the sense that it was Ana's world being magic.
shareWell, never watched this movie so analytically.
First time saw it in TV when I was a child myself, older than Ana.
Our grandma died shortly before and missed her so much.
Had a similar record player and a similar dream.
My dream was different, cause without start and landing was suddenly flying over the forest.
Could easily identify with Ana, felt the same desperation.
In the following I drove our family crazy by constantly playing "Porque te vas" without understanding any word (got the record for a good prize 2nd hand).
So, no magic but a similar situation made me merge into the movie.
And it worked now a third time...emotional memories came back.
Never really liked warm milk, with this movie need a big mug of warm milk.
Serious question: how come you are not offended by this film? It has child nudity in it, which you object to.
shareDoes it? It's rated PG.
shareYes. From the imdb parents guide section:
"Very fleeting views of preteen and teen girls being bathed or changing clothes. One girl, younger, is undressed and put in a bathtub and gets out (not as fleeting a view, but around 7 years of age)."
Do you actually see them naked or is the view hindered by the water?
shareIt's on Criterion Channel. I will look for the scene in question. Here it is. Oh no, I see little girl nipples! I'm shocked and frightened. Now, little girl panties! It's so naughty and bad! Oh no, she is totally naked and you can see her dirty little no no area! I am so offended and disturbed by the naked little girl! Anyone who likes this movie must be a deranged pervert!
shareYou can like the movie without supporting the choice to show nudity. Showing the nipples of a child isn't necessary.
shareBut the fact that you enjoyed the movie and were not traumatized by the naked little girl proves my point. A good movie can have child nudity and it doesn't ruin it.
shareI'm against the film having a nude child in it. That's the issue.
shareThat's your issue though, not the film's. It is still a great film that you liked,in spite of your issues with naked children. It supports my point that there is a time and place for it and that it can work with some films.
shareNo. The movie doesn't change its level of goodness because there is a naked child in it.
shareSo you agree that there is no harm in child nudity in films then? Glad you came around to my point of view.
shareYes there is harm. A naked child doesn't make a movie better. If anything it makes it worse because of child exploitation.
shareIf you really feel that way, you probably should stop watching movies like this with little girls undressing and getting into the bath.
shareI don't know that unless I see it.
shareRight, so you probably shouldn't judge or criticize others for watching movies that happen to have child actors nude, since you do it too.
shareYou openly support it.
shareI openly support all nudity in film, provided it was tastefully done and fits with the characters and story. If you do a nude scene in a movie, I would support that.
shareIf children are involved, it isn't tasteful.
shareThat's your opinion, but you have not been able to articulate why or present any good arguments. I disagree with your entire way of thinking about this.
shareChildren can't get tattoos (which are reversible) at 10 years old. A 10-year-old child can't consent to being naked in a film which will be public viewing forever.
shareI think children are smarter than you gave them credit for. Their parents can help them understand and make the decision.
shareChildren do not understand that pedophiles exist. Oprah was raped when she was 12 and said at the time she didn't think her rapist was doing anything wrong.
shareI'm pretty sure that most children nowadays know about pedophiles. Parents can explain to their children first about the potential consequences of doing nudity and help the child decide. Oprah's experiences, as sad and awful as they were, do not relate to the average child today.
shareKids today can't even read a clock or know how to write in cursive, I highly doubt they know about pedophiles and how to remain safe from them.