MovieChat Forums > Car Wash (1976) Discussion > Missing Bill Duke (Duane/Abdullah) addre...

Missing Bill Duke (Duane/Abdullah) address to camera?

I watched this film today mainly to see the scene with this quote:

Duane: [to camera] If you are watching this in the future, know that time has had its way with us, and that we knew it would. And it will with you. There is no escaping this. In a strange way, it's what makes life so beautiful and strange, that nothing alive stays the same.

This quote is listed on IMDb's quotes for the film page here:

But no such scene was in the version I watched. In fact nothing *like* this quote appeared: it seems way more eloquent and sophisticated and reflective than the film I saw. What gives? I've read a lot about differences between TV and Theatrical versions, e.g. here
but none of those lists of differences mentions an address to camera from Duane/Abdullah. So does anyone know what's going on? How could a scene that evidently elevated Car Wash in the past go missing? especially apparently without even drawing any notice?
