MovieChat Forums > Car Wash (1976) Discussion > Social commentary masked as comedy

Social commentary masked as comedy

I love Car Wash. It is realistic in its humor and provides a glimpse into lives of the characters.

Maybe many of you other fans out there also respond to the rich social commentary of the movie. In Germany I showed the movie to 3 Asians and 4 Europeans-- they did not enjoy the movie very much. Two Finns who in the 1980s attended school in Mississippi find Car Wash to be a funny yet touching film.

Not to bring it up but the wrong version dilutes the overall quality of the film.

Other comedies in the wave of Car Wash.. like Mother, Jugs & Speed do not stand the test of tim (nor Whch Way Is Up).

There is more to Car Wash than most comedies. One movie that comes to mind is the brillant, "Wenn der Richtige kommt" (2003) translated: When the Right One Comes Alongs. But not the laughs you get from Car Wash. But tragical comedy (aka drama) about a cleaning woman in Mannheim Germany who goes to find her love in Turkey. The glimpse into her life and her humor/play at work. Unfortunately she is cleaning buildings at night so not much interaction.
