MovieChat Forums > Car Wash (1976) Discussion > America's greatest and most underated ba...

America's greatest and most underated bandaged actor

Of all the bandaged actors to ever grace the movie screen, Mike Slaney is without a doubt the most dynamic and forceful presence in cinema history. His stand out performance in Carwash was riveting. I for one will not rest until this great American treasure is recognized for his invaluable contribution to the much overlooked art of bandaged acting. Will someone please join me in starting a grass roots campaign to petition the academy for a bandaged acting category?

Slaney has set the standard so high, I do not even think Ralph Fieness, on his best day, could hold a candle to him. Slaney is not only comedicly brilliant, but he carries a haunting undercurrent of pathos that leads one to wonder what on earth could have happened to him to have put him in such a body cast at a car wash in the first place? Talk about complex method acting... GENIUS!

Mike Slaney has made himself the personification and motivation for every bandaged actor ever to appear in any disco themed carwash movie for years to come.



This is too funny! Yes, Mr. Slaney deserves some serious accolades for his role in this film.


I am a bandaged actor and I'm getting a real kick out of this thread.


Mike Slaney dedicated his performance to bandaged actors everywhere. He was a true pioneer; the "Jackie Robinson" of his field. If there was a finer bandaged actor doing work I have never seen him/her.


He definitely deserved the Oscar for Best Performance by a bandaged actor that year!


It's high time the "Motion Pictures Academy of Arts and Sciences" created a special award for bandaged actors. And the certainly the award should be named for Mr. Slaney.

I'm starting a Facebook petition right now. Who's with me?


I'm in!!


Indeed! Finally recognition for the most challenging of all acting roles: the bandaged actor. And especially the bod-cast-bandaged actor. Any actor can easily move their limbs and thrust their necks to imply pain and even agony, but a bandaged actor hasn't that luxury. He must radiate his emotional life with the fire in his eyes! No amount of actor-training can give the actor what it takes to be a truly believable bandaged actor. Stella Adler, Sanford Meisner...where were they when a discipline called Bandaged-Acting Technique was called for in the training of the American acor?



All that I am today I owe to Mr. Slaney's ground-breaking, soul-rattling portrayal of a man in a body cast / neck brace / fully bandaged head.

"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."
