MovieChat Forums > Bugsy Malone (1976) Discussion > Another movie with kids as sorta-grownup...

Another movie with kids as sorta-grownup roles...

Some time in the mid to late 70s, I watched a movie on TV where all the characters in it were kids, but going about as if they were grownups... sorta. I remember it being advertised harping on how it was this really popular, well-loved movie and that it had finally made it to TV... but I'd never heard of it.

I also remember it had a really long title, on the pattern of "Captain So-and-so Against the Such-And-Such Of Something-Or-Other"

Except I don't think it was "Captain..."

Anyway, they had this kid who was a kind of heroic adventure, and living legend, and all the bad guys quaked when he showed up. And there was this villain who lived in a Frankenstein's castle sorta place, and was also a kid. It also had humor in it sorta vaguely in the vein of the 1960s Batman TV series, particularly in things like signs and gauges and whatnot.

At one point, the hero of the movie had shown up near the villain's castle, and set up camp there, along with a whole troop of other kids, and placed out tents, and the villain, upon hearing this legendary hero was outside his castle was a bit unnerved that he'd shown up.

Anyway, one of the boys from the hero's group went into the castle, wearing a homing beacon, and got captured by the bad guy... and there was this one scene I particularly remember where the villain insisted this boy take a shower there. He insisted he go into this shower, and hand out from the shower all his clothes... and then we see the villain start up the shower, and there's this big gauge up there with notations like "Cold," "Really cold" "ICE cold" "Brrrrrr!" and of course we see the villain turning a control, and arrow on that gauge moves from "Cold" steadily over to "Brrrr!"

A moment later, the boy comes out, and the villain checks him over to be sure he'd cleaned thoroughly or something... and notices the homing beacon now placed behind one of his ears (where he'd clearly transferred it after removing his clothes in order to keep possession of it). The villain saw it, grabbed it, saying "Oh, a homing beacon! I've always wanted one of these!"

"Wait, that's MY homing beacon! Give it back!"

"No, it's mine!"

"No, it's MINE!"

...and on and on like that. LOL!!!

Anyone know what movie this is? I've been trying to find out for years and years. And, having no Earthly idea what the title is anymore, I can't find it here by name.

Like sometimes wacky sci-fi continue-the-story projects?


Guessing just on the title... JACOB TWO TWO MEETS THE HOODED FANG??? (1978)

Questions?/Comments? * This Has Been e-mail From: "Dr. Mark" Hill * The Doctor
Of Pop Culture




A six year old boy has a dream in which he is in jail.

Nope, this doesn't sound like the title OR the plot I remember. And the kids were a mite older in this than age 6. And a lot of it seemed to revolve around a large Frankenstien's-monster sorta castle, with a group of kids setting up camp (with tents and all) outside, and where the one who was the leader of the group at the camp, it seems to me really vaguely, might well have been wearing something like a safari outfit, with a pith helmet and stuff.

I'm also pretty sure the title had an honorific before the title-character's name. Something like Captain suchandsuch and the... or Commander suchandsuch and the... or the like. I also remember the title as being quite a bit more long-winded than Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang, since it also had an AND in it. Something of the form Captain Such-and-such and the Struggle With the Evil So-and-so or possibly Commander Such-and-such and the Actions of the Villain So-and-so

Also, I seem to recall seeing this earlier on in the 70s than this, closer to 1975 or 1976... maybe even as early as 1974... but I might be wrong, it's been a long time.

(Digs around in the forum posts for that movie, finds this site... And the picture there looks nothing at all like the movie I remember. The one I'm thinking of is more in the vein of the 1960s Batman TV series, except with a kind of legendary adventurer-kid instead of a superhero, and with a bit of Pipi Longstocking mixed in, and maybe with a tiny pinch of secret-agent movie... that is, a tiny bit like Man from U.N.C.L.E. in there, but with kids.

Visually, though, Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang looks like a delightfully strange movie.

Like sometimes wacky sci-fi continue-the-story projects?
