Huge plothole

When he's wearing his suit at school, and shows off on the football field doing pushups with claps in between them, and then his air tank or whatever breaks, he runs back into the sanitized room and takes everything off....and touching his obviously now unsanitary suit. O_o That's why I'm confused. And then the $10 that his friend slides under to him. Wouldn't that exposure alone have gotten him some germs?? :P


I was wondering the same thing! Coming to the conclusion that he had built up a good immune system, hence the end, maybe he already had a good immune system during those last days of high school, therefore the germs on the suit and money didn't affect him.

Don't read this


His doctor had told him that he was building up immunities but a case of the cold or flu could end up killing Todd. Still, it would seem to be a waste to keep making him live in that bubble after being exposed to the germs on the dollar and suit. Even if it is just those two things germs can rapidly reproduce and Todd would have ended up coming home from school and contaminate the whole bubbled area he was living in. One of the real life bubble boys who this movie is based on claimed that he laughed when he saw that scene of Todd taking off his suit without being sanitized first. Also another thing I noticed is how dirty Todd's roommates feet are when he climbes back into bed.


No, that's not what his doctor said to him. His doctor said that he MAY have been building up immunities all those years. Not that he HAS been. These are two very different things, and you cannot exchange these two words like you have done.

Anyway, when he ran into the school's sterile room and took off his suit, and then the money was slid beneath the door, all without having been sterilized first, I thought it was unrealistic as well. All of that would have needed to have been sterilized first.


Goofs, yes. Plotholes, not even close.

Boopee doopee doop boop SEX
