Was the remake too P.C?



The remake was too sucky if you ask me. No reason at all to remake this movie. But it was PC. Kinnear, as the other coach, didn't slap his son but knocked his cap off. There was a kid in a wheelchair in this version as well.


I dont think so. I think the remake was fine. I honestly like the remake with Billy Bob better than the original. He is such a great ass. No one plays the *beep* better than him.

My Sig: Nothing Here.


The 70's version just flowed, you believed all these people were real and you didn't feel like they were trying to "shock" or "offend" anyone. Nothing felt forced.For example, When the father hits his son in the original we weren't all "oh my God he hit his kid! How awful!" I t was more like " What an assh*le."
The new one seemed to be trying too hard to offend and be UNpc but ended up being pc and sanitized anyway. None of the kids came off as authentic and even though I really am a fan of Billy Bob it was just painfully obvious that he was doing a watered down version of the character in Bad Santa.


You nailed it on the head!

"And then I was being chased my an improperly filled in bubble screaming 'None of the above!' ".


Yep-couldn't have said it better.


Was the remake too PC?

Does the sun rise in the East?
Is the Pope Catholic?
Did Shari Summers have a nice ass?

Every movie in the 21st century is too PC -- especially remakes.


Absolutely! And, having the real softball player girl instead of someone super cute who could act - like Tatum O'Neal was - was the biggest mistake of all.


The remake wasn't memorable at all.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


I just watched the trailer for the original and it's amazing how un-PC just the trailer is - including 2 words that you couldn't put in a trailer today.

Most movies have to be a sign of their times and that's what happens with remakes.
