I miss this world.

I know the place the film was made. I can look at this movie and remember places that don't exist anymore. I so miss the world that this movie was made in. I don't like where we are at now. although there was a lot of anger, especially the races, still very much perfer this time. Brillant movie to that has stood the test of time. BRILLANT.



Stick to porn; your a natural. You love getting *beep*!


Or perhaps you could address my criticism.
This world is not lost.


Alright. Gas was ,75 cents a gallon (where I lived), The area of where the film was made was a place I frequented many times, not to mention los angeles. The movies were better, the girls were better, the cars were better, the music was better, the basketball was better, the clothes were better are examples. The way people were then; how we saw things and treated each other for better and worse. It wasn't the little league baseball I was directly refering to. Your response endeared yourself to me as a smartass.


-Alright. Gas was ,75 cents a gallon (where I lived)
Not to far from a gas crisis.

-The area of where the film was made was a place I frequented many times, not to mention los angeles.
It's still there.

-The movies were better, the girls were better, the cars were better, the music was better, the basketball was better, the clothes were better are examples.
Not only is all of this *beep* because it's subjective, but all of these things are still there.

Cry more, you nostalgic *beep*


You must be wonderful during Christmass and New Years Eve; the life of the party.


You're the lamenting for a 'past' that's still alive and kicking.


Hey genuis, the clothes are different, the music is different, the cost of gas is different, the girls are different, the cars are different; the way we see the world is different. The world is alive but the world in that movie is gone. Even the hair styles are different.


Hey genuis, the clothes are different

Retro's pretty fashionable by now, but if you're really upset that style has changed, that's pretty *beep* sad.

the music is different

Oh, *beep*, I forgot all music is printed on Get Smart tapes that explode the moment the decades ends. Bands from the 60s even certainly aren't still touring!
I would prefer a world where music stayed stagnant too. Poor us, right?

the cost of gas is different

You're making more an hour too, and there' no embargo. Do you lament all inflation?

the girls are different[/quote
Ha, ha, ha! Holy hell, man.

[quote]the cars are different

Yeah, it's almost like we're improving technologies or something.
Again, we really should have known not to use all this Inspector Gadget material. There's nothing left!

the way we see the world is different. The world is alive but the world in that movie is gone. Even the hair styles are different.


In short, you're very silly and very sad.


B*itchWarrior you obviously have no clue about what the OP is trying to get across so just shut your fvcking face and get the fvck out of here. Idiot fvucktard


Of course I know what he's attempting to get across. I'm simply telling him that's it's *beep* and this kind of armchair nostalgia is disgusting.


Fascinating. Interesting that almost every response to the first post has an expletive in it, this is a prime example as to how time really have changed.

I too dream about the that time, and I love this movie.


Expletives indicating a changing of time, did you even SEE the Bad News Bears?

I'm capable of not using them, but this sort of ridiculous more than warrants their use.


Yes, and I worked at a movie theater when it was first released. Again I say, it is unfortunate people cannot express themselves with out constantly using bad language.


It's a shame with the situation doesn't warrant it, yes, but it clearly does here.


Better that than being a crackhead, crackhead. Remember, CRACK KILLS.


The 70s were great. I graduated high school in '76, so I'm with you on all this I do love the technology we have now, but I have to think technology is part of our downfall. Yes, I panic when i can't find my iphone, and I hate it when cable goes out. it would have been great to have had these things as a kid, but my parents wouldn't have bought them anyway. But my 80 year old mom is a texting machine!

But look at what we learned in school. I still can get a square root without a calculator. I don't even use a calculator. It is possible to do math without one. My daughter brought home a note from school in the 7th grade for me to sign so she could use a calculator for her algebra class. I refused to sign it. She graduated with a 3.7 gpa, so it didn't hurt her to learn a little math on her own.

Remember the generation gap back in the 70s? We're on the other side of it now. Our parents weren't so stupid after all. I still listen to heavy metal and refuse to grow up, but I think this country is going backwards. What may appear as progress is not necessarily good for us. I only knew one person who died from cancer in the 70s. In the last decade I have known many victims of cancer. Is there a connection? Just sayin...

BTW, I'm a computer programmer. I am very much aware we are way too dependent on computers, and what we get out of them is only as good as what goes in. So many people believe everything they see on a computer screen. I've seen programming errors that have caused huge problems at work. Look at the Unaffordable Healthcare site for example. I tried using it after hearing how bad it was, and it looked like something a high school student made for a school project and didn't finish. i'm an adjunct professor on the side, and I've seen better work from my students. And cars, yeah I prefer the older ones. They were so much easier to fix yourself. I like my old vehicles and will drive them until they die.

Oh well, I feel bad for my kids having to suffer through this new era. Maybe things will turn around. If you're under 50, please do not try to argue with me on any of this.


The Bad News Bears was filmed in the San Fernando Valley - so for all those of us who are feeling nostalgic - we can't go back but we can remember - just hit youtube for those nostalgic SFV days http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAZ325VOsxA

Things were sure simple back then.


Not enough racial diversity in this movie


I get what you're saying. & I agree

all these people are just proving your point.


My cat Leopold had to be put to sleep back in August of 2012 and this movie was the only thing that cheered me up and made me laugh. I watched it over and over.

I was born the year this movie came out. It makes me wish I could go back in time and experience what childhood was like in those days.

I love Bob


Agreed. And now I don't even think you can say racial anger was worse then. It was a MUCH better time then - MUCH better.


Why did so many parents start getting so nitpicky (in the eighties) about what their kids were doing? I was a child of the eighties and I didn't have the kind of freedom that the kids in this movie had.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


Good question. My kids watch this movie and couldn't believe kids back then were allowed to walk home from the ballpark by themselves, coached the bases instead of having an adult do it and could ride a motorcycle down the street. And, um, 12-yr olds smoked. OK, parents might have that one better covered today, but in 1976, I was 11 yrs old and can tell you that this movie doesn't exaggerate at all.

So, what changed? One, the crazy media coverage that results when a child six states away gets abducted. Liability issues, if a coach let his kids leave the park unattended and something happened, he gets sued, the league gets sued, the city gets sued. Look at those parents in NJ or wherever, they let their kids walk alone to a park a half-mile from home and CPS threatens to take away their children for neglect.

Society has just gotten far more protective of its children that it used to be. That isn't all bad, it is quite deserved in some ways, but a lot has been lost, too.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


I don't have kids, but I heard that many parents even text their kids when the kids are at school. Huh???? In my time, we got away from our parents for a few hours when we were at school. We didn't WANT to hear from them. And now some kids wait for Mommy and Daddy to text them to say "how are you, honey?" at 1:30 pm on a school day. Oy....

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen 🎇


I miss when leading male actors were alpha males and not the stuff we're treated to today.

Walter Matthau and Vic Morrow were actually men.

Today we get people like Channing Tatum or Joseph Gordon Leavitt and are told that they are today's alpha males. Ugh.

There are none left, except for Russell Crowe and Jeff Bridges.


People who aren't old enough to remember that time might not believe this movie is realistic, but I grew up in the late '50s to early '70s and it is absolutely true that kids, even as young as five or six years old, had that kind of freedom. Even in kindergarten, we walked to school and back unaccompanied. We played outside, all over the neighborhood and beyond, all day, with no adult supervision. We rode bikes everywhere, on the road, not on the sidewalk, with no helmets, and no grownups in sight. It was a fantastic time to be a kid. Kids today are prisoners, and I feel sorry for them.


That’s what it was like for me as well


It was still the same in the 80s. The bicycle helmets didn't show up until the mid to late 90s.


I live in small town USA, and it's still very similar.
