Music cues in Return episode...
I recently re-watched the 'Return of Wonder Woman' episode (the first shown on CBS), and still find it extremely entertaining. One of the things I particularly enjoy is the soundtrack, as it effectively incorporates themes originally used during the WWII episodes on ABC.
The first one is the soft love type theme that plays over her discovery of Steve Trevor Jr in the airplane (and continues as she carries him off). That was used originally in the ABC pilot episode, and it is nice to hear it again, although it seems to be a new recording (reflecting a 1970s sensibility).
The second familiar moment comes when Diana has her flashback to scenes with the original Major Trevor - it is the patriotic sounding 8 note fanfare often shown in the ABC episodes during establishing shots of the War Department. That scene is quite nostalgic, imparting an almost genuine feeling that we're remembering something from the 1940s. I was very surprised and pleased at those two quick flashback scenes, by the way, especially since no such scenes with Wonder Woman herself would ever get the same treatment.
The third and longest musical piece to be re-visited in this episode is the Olympic type theme played when Diana is taking part in the bullets-and-bracelets competition, and it seems to be pretty much identical to the same theme used during the WWII pilot (and used again in 'Feminum Mystique' episode).
I really think the use of these musical cues did a great job bridging the ABC to CBS changeover. While it is a shame they weren't ever really needed again, at least they served a real purpose here. What I'd really like, however unlikely it is to be released, would be a comprehensive original soundtrack to both series. I realize much of it would be repetitive sounding to some extent, but a highlights cd would be great. Anyone out there have access to such material???
"Holy one-track Bat-computer mind!"