This is shocking!
I can't say it, but it will surprise you.
I can't say it, but it will surprise you.
I don't think this is shocking as much as it is ridiculous. I mean, it just... *sigh*. All I can say is it could have been much worse than "meep" and the principal overreacted hardcore.
sharethis just proves how stupiod people can be, that one adult has to ban one word, wait that one adult has to ban a KID FREANDLY word for what? annoyance?
what's up doc?
It may seem silly to say but if the police got involved I think there has to be something at the bottom of this that the general student population and media isn't aware of. Yes, some principals can have gross over reactions to things, so too can police officers, but for them to join forces over something so seemingly trivial? I think there has to be more to it. Just my two cents.
shareOMG I thought I heard of dumb rules but that has to be the dumbest of them all. I would love to go to that school and give the principal a piece of my meep meep meeping mind. LOL!