Ground Breaking!

Now as I write this little post I understand that not everyone has the same tastes or what ever and I respect that but I recently (re)watched a couple of episodes and thought (again) what an amazing and ground breaking show this was.
My reasoning for thinking that is like everything else purely personal and based only on the way I look at and perceive things but I felt this show is classic for the following reasons
1 it never patronized or alienated the younger audience, even though this was a show the whole family could enjoy it never treated kids as mentally defecient like a lot of childrens shows do (not all mind you) such as That tele tubbies thing and basically anything on Australian TV around 3:00 pm such as Hi 5, raggs the dog and that Faerie show

2. It tried to bring music and art from different cultures/styles to the masses especially the younger ones I remember Harry Belafonte singing Turn the world and they way they did it especially in those days for me was amazing and respectful while still entertaining

3 It never took itself seriously, you could always see the guests saying this was the worst gig ever and complaining about the general show but you could also see that they were enjoying themselves immensly (especiall John Clesse he cam on twice I think)

4 The guest they had on were not there just to plug their Latest CD or movie although the star wars episode was pushing it close

and finally

5 there was just a sense of Fun and creativity coming from the show it felt more improvised than a lot of "LIVE" shows around

Any way I always felt the purpose of this show was to entertain with out pushing any morals or product which it did for me at least spectacuarly


Hell is other People


I agree completely. I loved the Muppet Show as a kid and I love it still, at the ripe old(ish) age of 35. There's nothing quite like it around today.


I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.



Jim never failed. Although, there has been some lukewarm productions since his death, everything he produced up till he died was gold imo.

Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.
