Watch The Muppet Show Now Online!
The complete series of The Muppet Show is now being posted on Megavideo.
You can get the episode link at:
The complete series of The Muppet Show is now being posted on Megavideo.
You can get the episode link at:
You can pick and watch episodes here; I suggest MegaVideo.Com hosted ...
This, I think, would be more reliable, as I've used this source for many things; that said, I STILL think the MegaVideo.Com links are most reliable:
"I think it's time you lived like the Piece-a-Schmidt you are!"
Oh, I forgot to mention, I use SideReel.Com as an episode guide, and the other link to actually follow, and watch, the episodes ...
Enjoy; and I apologize for not including that bit of trivia in my initial post.
It's a bit of a pain in the A$$, but, it's a way to watch the whole series ...
(... especially those NOT on DVD right now!)
**Note: Just IGNORE and/or close out the small ads, and it'll go to your episode; just wait the 40 or so second buffer, it buffers your episode, so, no time lost, and close the popup, and you'll be fine; no viruses or problems)
IE: The DIRECT Crystal Gayle episode URL is: ... and it'll redirect you to it, and there's no 75 minute watch-limit like MEGAVIDEO, whereas you can only watch 3 episodes a day; this is seemingly unlimited ***
"I think it's time you lived like the Piece-a-Schmidt you are!"
Placemarker post.
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It's all like some bad movie.