MovieChat Forums > The Muppet Show (1977) Discussion > Seasons 4 and 5 DVD...WHEN ?

Seasons 4 and 5 DVD...WHEN ?

Now that the new movie did well domestic selling more than 10 million tickets they may release AT LAST THE LAST TWO SEASONS ?


They won't. Just to torture us. they like that.


Is there an official reason that Seasons 4 and 5 haven't been put on DVD yet?


probably music rights i want it now


I want them now!! Darnnit!
*nya* *purr*


Disney will claim the music is the issue, but in actually I read a rumour some where that they feel the later seasons ruin the feel of the show... what ever that means. But after watching season 4 there is far more adult humour in it than in the first three.

Disney are just twits who only want a sure thing... like the 5 million Cinderella movies.


bloody disney ruining the legacy .. bring season 4-5!!!!!


I wonder if there's a rights issue to some songs and appearances.

I've never really heard this, just complete speculation on my part, but I've also wondered if there was a Star Wars rights issue.

In season 4, Mark Hamil made an appearance along with C-3PO, R2-D2 and Chewbacca. Hamil played Luke Skywalker as well as "Himself". Gonzo put on his Darth Vader costume and I also think Miss Piggy braided her hair like Princess Leia from the first movie. So, I always wondered if that would cause legal issues if they wanted to put it on DVD. Lucas has fought hard in the past to keep some of the "silly" TV appearances by the Star Wars characters from being rebroadcast again (anybody remember the "Star Wars Holiday Special" that only aired once?), so it's possible that Lucas could be a barrier in all of this.

Again, it's just personal speculation. I never really heard that repeated anywhere, but just wondering out loud.


Star Wars stuff shouldn't be an issue anymore, I wouldn't think.

Oh my goodness, he's like the Abed of racism.


Star Wars stuff shouldn't be an issue anymore, I wouldn't think.
I Believe (although I could be wrong) that the Mark Hamil Episode has already been released in the UK as part of a separate package anyway.

Let Zygons Be Zygons.


I have just checked, and I was right. Both the Mark Hamil, and Elton John episodes were special features on a Muppet Show compilation DVD.

Let Zygons Be Zygons.


I have a feeling the John Denver bits and songs are the hold up


Well, season 4 should be out on DVD anytime now, considering that Disney now rightfully owns the Star Wars rights.


Star Wars was not the issue. There were a couple of 'Best Of' compilation DVDs released by Sony (when it had the rights in the late 90s) - each had two complete episodes as a bonus and the Star Wars show was one of them. The others were Stallone, Roger Moore and Elton John.

