Miss Piggy wasn't expected to a breakout character, and as Brian Jay Jones explained in Jim Henson: The Biography page 245:
She was considered such a minor character, in fact, for most of the first season she didn't even have a regular performer assigned to her, and was passed back and forth between Frank Oz and Richard Hunt with little concern about consistency in voice or mannerisms.
Also, usually when two Muppet characters performed by the same performer, the Muppet performer would perform a character that is the most pivotal throughout the scene while the lesser character is relegated to a different performer. This was noted in a Muppet morsel (a pop-up trivia bonus feature on
The Muppet Show season one DVD) on the Candice Bergen episode when it states in the Veterinarian's Hospital sketch that while Jim Henson is the principal performer for Kermit and Rowlf the Dog, he performed Rowlf because he has the most comic responsibility. So, if Frank Oz was occupied with Fozzie or another character, then Richard Hunt would perform Miss Piggy.
As for the scenes when Fozzie and Piggy are voiced by Oz, usually the Muppet performers pre-record their characters' voices before they shoot the scene as noted in the documentary,
Of Muppets and Men. So, if Oz was primarily performing Fozzie, Miss Piggy, Animal, or another character, another performer would perform the other character, and lip sync to the audio track.
What we do in life, echoes in eternity.