Worst Anachronism?

What was the worst anachronism on "Laverne & Shirley"? There were plenty. I swear I once saw them eating Wheaties cereal from a box with Bruce Jenner on it. That box could not have been from before 1976, when Jenner won the Olympic gold for the decathlon. The show started in approximately 1959 and ran through 1967.


The Wheaties box was from the episode when Shirley and Laverne volunteer to be Milwaukee Police officers & Shirley struggles to pass the obstacle course. Don't forget the guys hairstyles at times. In both Happy Days & L& S the guys wore styles from the early 80's. Laverne had a Farrah fawcett haircut by the 8th season


Laverne's "Break Into Bardwell's" plan (she says)
is inspired by the "Mission : Impossible" TV series.

That ep. is set in 1965, 'M:I' didn't debut until Sept. 1966.

Season 1 - The girls inging "Da-Do-Ron-Ron" in 1958 when in
reality, The Ronettes song didn;t become a hit until 1962/1963.

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 šŸ• *arf,man!*
