Laverne vs. Rosie Greenbaum
I would love to see Laverne beat the crap out of that snotty b-!
Marry me,Bob Gunton!
I would love to see Laverne beat the crap out of that snotty b-!
Marry me,Bob Gunton!
"I don't gotta take this kinda talk from someone who can't find a man, cuz she's a bim-bo!"
Rosie rocked! lol
I love how they were about to get into a fight at their friend's bridal shower.
"Pull back the couch!"
Marry me,Bob Gunton!
It would have been nice to see Laverne give her a good whack. We always saw the aftermath of their fights.
Squiggy- Rosie Greenbaum? From the highschool?
Shirley- Yes!
Lenny- Is she still fat?
Laverne (in front of Rosie) YESSSS!!!!
I liked the look on Rosie's face,LOL.
Marry me,Bob Gunton!
I LOVED Carole Ita White as Rosie Greenbaum. Totally wish that character had gotten more screen time. It's so interesting - in season 2, she was in almost every episode. In the coming years, less often.
Loved the drowning of the fox. Anyone else remember that from the 'Bridal Shower' episode?? Classic.
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"Laverne & Shirley" did have a lot of lesbian subtext. There are several discussions about it on this board. I was just thinking about Laverne's arch enemy Rosie Greenbaum. The actress who played Rosie, Carole Ita White, is bisexual. Notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat. Please click on
I thought Carole Ita White overacted as Rosie. I guess that character was supposed to represent new money.
Laverne and Shirley liked men.
I'm just glad that homosexuality wasn't crammed in our faces in the 70's shows. I wish they'd stop pushing it on us. Real life,TV,movies,etc.
I'm sick of it.
Established 1976
What about Rhonda Lee from the California seasons? Would she be considered a West Coast Rosie? I think Laverne disliked Rhonda, but there wasn't hatred like with Rosie.
shareWhy did Shirley try so hard to stop Laverne and Rosie from fighting?
shareCarol Ita White was great! I loved her character. Isn't she Jesse White's daughter?
suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008
Carol Ita White was great!
I'll second that!
Rhonda Lee in the first few California episodes was the same rich, condescending snob type as Rosie was.
BUT then she did a 180 degree change. Rhonda became the lovable but dense, struggling actresses who would raid the girls kitchen for food.
WONDER If rosie would of liked living in los angeles California she said she meant be a star in Hollywood could of been Laverne new roomie when Shirley left lol