Timeline Screwup

Both Laverne & Shirley and Happy Days shared the same timeline until they went to Hollywood. At the last season of Laverne & Shirley the New Year placecard said 1967 while on Happy Days it was 1964 because the next season of Happy Days it was 1965. This was second show that had a problem with its timeline. The first was MASH.


This had been covered before ,so to save time. 

Thread Topic "Chronology Problems"
by coreycitn63 »Fri Nov 21 2014 12:46:27Flag ▼

IMDb member since September 2014

When Laverne & Shirley ended in 1983 it was
1967 but when Happy Days ended in 1984 it was 1965.
Response by (Me) happipuppi13
»Sat Nov 22 2014 15:39:55
IMDb member since April 2004

I've come across many people confused by this...including me.

Here's how it works. -

Happy Days timeline was 10 years straight.
(Including the pilot on "Love American Style"
episode called "Love and the Happy Day")they went from 1955 to 1965.

That's the easy part.
The hard part - When Laverne & Shirely's 5th season ended,it was Spring 1962.

With the first show of Season 6,it became1964/1965 and
nearly 2 and 1/2 years in the lives of the characters had been skipped.

I was confused for years on that! I thought,
"How did a show that ran 8 Seasons pass (11 season) Happy Days' timeline?

I was relieved when I finally nailed it.

By the way...I put this fact in the trivia
section of Sesason 6 episode 1. "Not Quite New York".

Hope that cleared it up for you.
LAtvGuy »Wed Dec 17 2014 16:08:37

Wow... So the show pulled a "Desperate
Housewives" move! Thanks for clarifying! I never knew that.

by happipuppi13
»6 days ago (Thu Mar 26 2015 18:28:57) Flag ▼

Post Edited:
Thu Mar 26 2015 18:30:21
Very late reply from me but ...you're very welcome.

Forgot to mention - Cool Fonzie pic. by the way. My boyhood hero.

As for M*A*S*H Corey ,the show goes back & forth between 1950 to
1953 (Korean War : Sunday June 25th,1950 – Wednesday July 27th,1953).

It never seems to be in any one year for a greatlength of time until I believe the last 4 seasons. The way i see it is, the war lasted 1127 days ,so 250 + days are represented in the series ,just not in chronological order. 

Oh, and to clear up something else (and this is NOT directed at you Corey)

...the TV Show M*A*S*H 'did' last 11 years....the war on
the show did NOT last 11 years, it was 3 just like itn real life! 

People who say, "The producers ,writers, (Or even just Alan Alda)
made the Korean War 10 years" really bug me with their ignorance & stupidity.

Okay..I;m done. 

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 🐕 *arf,man!*


On mash. They did have one episode that covered 1951. Charles became a baseball buff and the episode ends with a fairly famous moment in history. Always thought that was interesting cause the episode starts with potter giving a toast. Which means all the blake episodes took place in less than a six month period.
