Who was hotter

Seems like everyone posts who was hotter, Laverne or Shirley. How about mixing things up a bit.

Lenny or Squiggy?

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


Definitely Lenny: blue-eyed cutie with kissable lips, heart-melting gentleman (witness "Look Before You Leap" and "The Slow Child"), cursive-L-one Wolf, guitar hero, and valiant protector of Jeffrey the stuffed iguana. Apart from the hair goo, what's not to love?

Say, while we're on the "Who's hotter?" subject: Jeffrey or Boo-Boo Ki- uhh, never mind.


Definitely Lenny! Squiggy was kind of... gross-looking. I still loved his character though. :)

But Carmine beats them both. ;)


Carmine but without the curly hair!


Carmine with the curly hair. My god. Those 'Jew fros' do something for me.



Eddie Mekka played Carmine. He is not Jewish. The Big Ragoo is not Italian either. He was born Rudolph Edward Mekjian and is of Armenian descent.


I was surprised to find out that Cindy & David dated for a short while after the show began in 1976. This is not something I read in a tabloid either, it was like a People Magazine or something like that.


Lenny, no question about it.





I just recently started watching Laverne and Shirley for the first time ever and after only a few episodes I started developing a crush on him. There's just something about him that makes him really attractive.
He's a big goof, but he is also really sweet and caring and funny and he's also a talented musician. What's not to love? 
