The correct address is 600 Milan St. And I can't help pointing out one of the great "got it past the censors" moments of all time: when the realtor quotes Kate Lawrence that 90,000 figure because, after all, there's room for a pool if some trees were cut down. "If you've seen one tree, you've seen them all," she tells Kate, "and a pool ups your selling price!" To which Sada Thomson deadpans, "You mean, ups yours."
Although the Lawrence home stands in Pasadena in fact as well as fiction, most of the neighborhood exteriors were shot in and around the Cheviot Hills area where the Fox studios are located. I live in this area and recognize spots all the time that haven't changed much. As a teenager infatuated with Ms. McNichol I used to ride my Schwin 3-speed over to an unused studio gate just a few feet from the cast's labelled parking spaces and *sigh* deeply. Never saw anybody--but I did shadow the Motor Avenue entrance and go pedalling along behind any film-trucks that emerged, and in this way ended up at various location shootings for other shows (The Paper Chase, etc.), eating off the craft services table and chatting with anyone who would suffer my presence. It's amazing what an underweight kid in wire-rimmed glasses can get away with. A frequent locale was the Park just across the street from Fox, used for everything from Escape From The Planet Of The Apes to Willie's date with Celina McGee...