MovieChat Forums > Family (1976) Discussion > When is season three and four coming out...

When is season three and four coming out?

I am already to buy the next couple seasons. Does anyone know when they will be coming out?


I'm with you--I'm ready for the rest of the series. NOW! What great TV!


Life Goes On was also great


Amazon claims Season 2 and 4 are out already but the description describes Season 1 and 2


It is Season 1& 2 that are out. Season 1 was only 6 episodes. I suggest contacting Sony Pictures, they're the company that owns the right and are releasing the DVD's.
I just finished watching the first 28 episodes and can't wait. IF they do release them it'll probably be in about 6 months.


How do I contact Sony pictures to encourage them to release the remaining seasons? I visited their site, but saw no way to contact them.


I've emailed them to complain about them not releasing Police Woman s2-4 yet...

here's the link to the main page for Sony Home Entertainment.


I, too, am waiting not-so-patiently for the release of the last 3 seasons. How could they torture us with seasons 1 and 2 and not follow through with the rest?

If you look closely at the box that seasons 1 and 2 come in, you'll see a picture of Kristy McNichol and Willie Aames sitting on sister Nancy's sofa. This is from an episode that is NOT included in seasons 1 and 2. I believe it is the episode when T.J. (Aames) gives his I.D. bracelet to Buddy and she is unsure about whether or not she wants to wear it, out of fear that she is not ready to grow up that fast. Obviously they have played around a bit with seasons 3, 4 and 5 if they accidentally put that photo on the cover. They have to be hovering around somewhere.

I am hoping that the powers that be released Family 1 and 2 quickly, even a bit prematurely (given that there are absolutely no extras on the DVD), in response to the death of Aaron Spelling. Perhaps now they are taking a bit more time and working a bit more meticulously on seasons 3,4 and 5, with interviews and never-before-seen footage, something like that! If they don't do an interview with Sada Thompson, well, to paraphrase Willie Lawrence describing his father to Jeff Maitland, I won't hit the roof, but I'll "take a shot at it!"


I hope they release the rest also. I almost wish that some of these great series would be released in their entirety all at once. Sure, they'd be expensive but true fans would make the investment. I would love an interview with Sada Thompson and the rest of the cast. It would be nice to see where they are and what they are doing now.


It would be nice if Sony (parent company) would say one way or another if they have any intention of releasing the final two seasons.

It is bad enough their website is designed to not let the visitor ask a question like that, let alone provide contact information for general questions. It certainly shows how little they care about their customer base.

Ah well, I guess all we need to hope for at this point is that they air the final seasons just once on TV - I'm sure there will be people who will copy it and paper the internet with them.



That's interesting about them releasing it due to Aaron Spelling's death. I actually wrote him a letter several years ago in which I begged him to release this series. But I didn't send it because A. I couldn't find an address for him and B. I read that Sony owned the rights to the series anyway.

I am still just grateful even to have two seasons, but I'm sure eventually I will start to be annoyed that three and four aren't out. I lived for this show when I was a kid and it meant so much to me. I am thrilled to be able to watch it again. I definitely think things were simpler and better back then, but I suppose memory does tend to accentuate the positive.


I just stumbled upon a website and they're selling all 5 seasons of Family on DVD! It's about $150. Only catch is they the seasons separately.


i stumbled on this website quite by accident. It's called: and if you look under TV (drama) they're selling all 5 seasons of family! Only catch is you can't buy each season separately; only as a set. Its $149. So Im assuming those seasons are now out, although it doesn't show up on Amazon.


that web site only sells bootleg copies. I did a research and found many complaints againts them. Save your money and wait until SONY releases the rest of the seasons. Then you can buy them from Amazon or other reputable retailers.


Yes, don't buy from them. They are one of many such companies who sell bootleg copies and often don't deliver.


Oh ok thanks for letting me know. I'll wait till I see it on Amazon


On September 5, 2006, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment released the first two seasons of Family on DVD in Region 1. It is unknown if the remaining three seasons will be released at some point.
