Sada Thompson carries this show
Don't get me wrong: everyone is great, but I find myself absolutely riveted to every scene that Sada Thompson is in. I have owned the DVD of seasons 1 and 2 for two years now and have about 20 episodes from other seasons on VHS and I find myself fast-forwarding through scenes that don't include her. Yes, she's that good.
I particularly love the mother-son chemistry between Thompson and Gary Frank: you can just tell that these two actors got on like a house on fire off-set. Example: the scene in "Coming of Age" where Nancy leaves Kate a to-do list as long as her arm but then takes Kate's car without asking, thus leaving Kate stranded at home and unable to run Nancy's errands for her. Willie teases his mother by saying, "Hey Mom, how about if Dad drives me to work and you can have my motorcycle?" Kate says, very seriously, "Why didn't I think of that? Gee, thanks Willie." For a second, Willie looks stunned that his Patrician and lady-like mother would consider using his motorcycle. Then Kate pokes him in the belly and says, "Nearly got ya that time, didn't I?" This moment is so natural, you'd swear it was an ad-lib between actors.
And I love the quiet love demonstrated between Kate and Doug. It's not flashy, but they do exchange the odd "suggestive" comment from time to time. It's so refreshing and reassuring that they are still in love. Their "sexy" scenes, if you can call them that, make me giggle.