Favorite Family Feud Episodes
I have 2 favorite episodes, 1 is the "September Joke" when Dawson reads a hilarious question during Fast Money, "During what month of pregnancy, does a woman begin to look pregnant" a contestant (Cathy Trejo) said "September" & the laugh begins (especially from Dawson), he even laughed. rofl: 2. "Dawson Birthday" when the show usually starts with 2 families, (Evans & Larson) but, at the Larson's side, instead of the whole family there, there is Cathy & Mark (Richard's Son & Daughter-in-law)with the cake for Richard, which is a very special day for Richard (his birthday). Mark & Cathy gave Richard a very big surprise (his other son Gary) from England, all of them have reunite for Richard's Birthday, they were singing "Happy Birthday to Richard", then the producer Howard read Richard's speech, & they all laughed, it interrupt the game for the day, instead, they played Fast Money twice. it dated back on(11/20/80), i believe both of these episodes IS going to be on DVD Sometime after the Christmas Holiday (after New Years).