Favorite Goofs

Man those Game Show bloopers they showed on VH1 were hilarious! These were my faves:

Dawson: Name an article of clothing children are always losing.
contestant: Their pants.

Dawson: Name the first thing you take off when you get home from work.
Contestant: Underwear

LOL there were waaaaaaaaaaaaay more and I was busting out laughing!!



Dawson: Name something you might accidentally leave on all night.
Contestant: Your shoe.

Dawson: Name something children wear that adults don't.
Contestant: Clothes.

Dawson: Name something you measure by the spoonful.
Contestant: Teaspoon.


Name a fruit that starts with the letter A
-Arange (i was crying when i heard that woman say that)

fast money--same family

Name a animal with 3 letters in its name.
first guy says frog

second guy says alligator

(again, i cried laughing)

Name something associated with atlantic city
-The atlanta falcons!

i couldnt believe these answers. the funniest things are when people say retarted answers and their family supports them, 'Good answer!', and when its not there and they get a strike..."Aw!!"


"Name a fruit that starts with the letter A
-Arange (i was crying when i heard that woman say that) "

Anyone know if there's an online clip or something of this? I've only heard about it and haven't had the pleasure of actually witnessing it.


LOL I enjoyed those Game Show Moments Gone Bananas (I'm surprised there are no topics under the board)! Here's one I remember, I don't remember exactly how the question went:

"Name something most men wear to bed."

Older woman: "Condoms." LOL.

Then there was some question like "Name the time of the year most women get pregnant." And the person says "September." And Richard Dawson just broke out laughing and couldn't stop, heh heh.

I'm not sure which show this is from, could be from "Funniest Game Show Moments," but on an Australian version clip, a question was "Name a famous robber." The guy says "Cop." LOL!!!!!

"Name something on your body that you have two of."

"Big toe." Hahahahahahahaha.

And there was one where a guy answered "turkey" for 3 straight questions, and only one got him points, lol.

"Name something that has to warm up before you use it."

"How 'bout your wife." Heh heh.

I'll have to watch those again, I taped most of them.

In God WWE Trust


Oops, the one about something you only have two of, I think it was ONE of.

And here's another one, I think it's the funniest answer ever:

"Name something that can kill a lively party."

"How about a gun?" LMAO.

In God WWE Trust


The "Cops" one was actually from the British version (called "Family Fortunes")




Before the game begins, the family pointed out the Revolutionary War between the Americans and British (which is what Richard Dawson is), and the leader had a book about the Revolutionary War.

Dawson: Name the first word a baby learns to say.
Contestant #1: Ba-ba.
Contestant #2: Wa-wa.
Dawson: How the hell did you win (the Revolutionary War)?


Host: What's the heavest thing in your house?
Conetestant: The dog


Drugs are bad Mmkay.


Anderson: Name something teenage boys spend hours doing in their room.
Constestant: Masturbating


Combs: Name Something beside a bird that u put in a bird cage.
Contestant: A hamster


Karn: Name a famous Barbara
Contestant: Barbara Wahington, wife of the 1st president of the United States.



"Name something that would kill a lively party"
"A gun"

"Name something made of leather--"
"A purse"
"You're gonna be slighly embarrassed when I finish this question: Name something made of leather that a cowboy wears"

Not in our house


This one was from the final round for the big money.
Question "Name a dish made from hamburger."
Answer "Frying pan"

Richard started laughing and had to stop the clock.




The one where the contestant answers September, for the month of women looking pregnant.



Yeah if I remember that was on the same episode were the first contestant said September..I may have to rewatch the episode.


This was on the British version of the show and it was during the fast money round and the man's first question was "Name something you take with you to the beach?" and he answers "turkey". #2 Name a meat you buy at the grocery store "turkey" I am dying laughing because his family looks like they want to kill him and I cant remember the third question but when he answered turkey again I almost threw up from laughing. The head of the family had a murderous look on his face and host did not know what to say he was laughing too hard. It has been shown on the best game show moments of all time. Check it out if you have not seen it, it is absolutely hysterical.


This was on the British version of the show and it was during the fast money round and the man's first question was "Name something you take with you to the beach?" and he answers "turkey". #2 Name a meat you buy at the grocery store "turkey" I am dying laughing because his family looks like they want to kill him and I cant remember the third question but when he answered turkey again I almost threw up from laughing. The head of the family had a murderous look on his face and host did not know what to say he was laughing too hard. It has been shown on the best game show moments of all time. Check it out if you have not seen it, it is absolutely hysterical. You can google it and see the clip.


during the ray coombs era. the original american gladiators were on. a classic question(may not be exact wording).

what impression would a woman have of a man with lots of muscles(along those lines). answers.

laser(after buzzing in): no brains(had to see look on his face)buzzer.
ice:steroids(i think was no. 1 answer).
zap: couldnt say her answer out loud and whispered in ray's ear. his response was "im not saying what she said.".


"Name an excuse you give not to invite your date in" the contestant answered "because your spouse is home"

Name an excuse you give a police officer for speeding the contestant said because I was drinking
