Inconsistent Judging

There are some very obvious misjudges on the show regarding answers.

I've seen it dozens of times where a contestant will give a really good answer but it will be deemed incorrect, then the other family will use the same answer only worded differently and will end up stealing the points because its up there.

I just saw one where the question was "How do you know you're at a cheap wedding" on contestant said "Location" it wasn't up there, they end up getting three strikes and the other family has a chance to steal. They say "It's at the courthouse" and what do you know, its up there! They steal the points.

Excuse me but isn't it being held at the courthouse an um. . location?

There is no possible way the show can get away with saying "well they wanted a more specific answer" because half of the answers given are just worded differently or just "in the ballpark" of the answers on the board

I saw one the other day where the question was something like "What are mice afraid of" and someone said "being squished" and they gave it to her as "people"

So if Location and Courthouse are not the same answers then how is Being Squished and People?

There was also another time where it seemed as if Steve Harvey actually made a family loose. . I forget the question but someone gave the answer "steak and potatoes" I don't recall if it was up there or not but after him someone else wanted to say "french fries"
Steve looked at him and said "You can't say that because your dad already said potatoes in his answer" so the kid had to change his answer, which wasn't up there, they ended up getting three strikes and Steve went over to the other family and they said, you guessed it "French fries" and it was up there!
How in the hell did this happen?
