Steve Harvey Episodes

I've noticed that most of the Steve Harvey episodes are Black Families vs White Family. I would say that it is 9 out of 10 times. I do not remember seeing this as much with other hosts. I think it is kinda odd.

BTW, I do not hink Steve Harvey is a racist. I did read some people's comments stating that he favors the black families, because he is racist. I do not notice that. But, I notice I hardly see any Hispanic or Asian families...


He is definitely not racist. I actually think he makes fun of the bad answers black people give more so than whites or other nationalities. Overall, he is a hilarious guy and does a really great job. Here and there, an Asian or other ethnicity is on. But the majority of the shows are either a black v white family or white v white family.


If you were a foreigner visiting the United States for the first time and just happened to tune in to watch the Steve Harvey-hosted episodes of "Family Feud," I could see where you might get the impression that the population of the U.S. is equally made up of European-Americans and African-Americans by the usual racial makeup of the contesting families on that particular game show.
