Sorry for the incomplete post, my fingers are bigger than the buttons, lol.
now about the black sheep squadron being screw ups: one of the pilots Fred Avery who almost became an ace with black sheep squadron said in his book that they were not a bunch of misfits. But the impression was given by Hollywood because in Boynton book he had said that they were gathered from leftovers from other groups. This is partly true because a man with short time in theater we joined a group it had been there for a while would have to stay to finish his tour and the group would be rotated home. Then this man would be assigned another group to fly with until his tour was finished. In several of their reunions the main topic of their speeches is how to correct the public image of them being drunken buffoons and irresponsible and dangerous soldiers and pilots. There are several good books to read about them but I would not recommend using Pappy Boyington book as a historical reference because he had a tendency 2 glamorise some of their escapades.