MovieChat Forums > Baa Baa Black Sheep (1976) Discussion > Mixed Emotions About Black Sheep Sqaudro...

Mixed Emotions About Black Sheep Sqaudron

This was my absolutely favorite show of the mid-1970s. I loved the action, the drama, the Corsairs and the Universal Newsreels. But it is tough to watch at times today because it is sooo inaccurate.

This isn't about flaming or spoiling or whatever; I know it's just a TV show that I do not have to watch. But I found out recently that the second DVD set is finally being released- today, in fact. I have the first one and I am debating about buying the second.

Watching this show as a kid 30 years ago and then learning everything... EVERYTHING about it was fake is kind of like finding out your favorite ballplayer you followed as a kid took you-know-what the year he hit so many homers. And for me, Black Sheep Squadron has not aged very well- the low budget drama seems so hokey today. I can't imagine series like Band of Brothers looking so bad down the road.

That's really all I wanted to say. For those who are fans of the show and plan to buy the DVD set, I hope you enjoy it... but I just don't know if I can bring myself to buy it.


I used to watch this show shortly before joining the military, back in the late 70's, and then I watched it again (reruns) in the 80's after I had gone through the military experience. I was almost shocked at how hokey it all was. So I see your point. lol



Now I'm not sure i want to buy the damn DVD's. I LOVED this show when I was 8 years old. Almost like leaving it in memory will be better. I know I am far more critical these days , than i was even when i was 20 years old. Maybe I will download an episode, if it looks like it will sully the mind record of the Great Pappy Boyington. I'll just stick to the memories.


IF you have access to MeTV ( a free Over-the-Air digital sub channel, typically included as part of the minimal basic plan on most cable companies) they've been airing reruns on Sunday afternoons

give it a test... if it sets fire to your child hood, turn the channel and never revisit it again...


More shockers: "Charlie's Angels" was completely inaccurate for the inner workings of a private investigation agency and the only way the scams in the "Mission Impossible" episodes worked is because the bad guys were holding scripts in their hands. Oh and within a month of Jack moving in either Christy or Janet would have been knocked up and the other moved out in a fit of stormy jealously.

It was network television. Had it been "historically accurate" only WWII groupies would have watched and while they would have watched fanatically there aren't enough of those to attract sponsors.


Well, I'm glad you know it was network TV, because it certainly wasn't history.

I have nothing against TV or that show. All I'm saying is I think it's too bad when many people (kids and adaults) see history dranas and believe what they see as fact.



There is little to no entertainment value in "Real War"

Death, mutilation, torture, probably popular in some sick circles just not ready for prime time TV.

So when I hear the comments about it not being "real", I have to laugh because you don't want to see real war on your TV, trust me.


More shockers: "Charlie's Angels" was completely inaccurate for the inner workings of a private investigation agency and the only way the scams in the "Mission Impossible" episodes worked is because the bad guys were holding scripts in their hands. Oh and within a month of Jack moving in either Christy or Janet would have been knocked up and the other moved out in a fit of stormy jealously.
Dude - you just tried to ruin most of my childhood, but I simply choose not to believe your lies (way too smart for that).

Next you will be telling me that Steve Austin couldn't run 60 MPH, the Fonz was bad with chicks, James was actually 18 and Ken Reeves never played for the Lakers (and that one at least you can look up and confirm on the NBA site).


Of course Ken Reeves didn't play for the Lakers. Geeez, only an idiot would think that, cuz everybody knows he played for the Bulls!!! lol

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.





I, too, was too young for the originals and caught it in syndication as a ten to twelve year old.

The TV show got me seriously into history, especially WWII history. I read Major Boyington's book and many many others from that history.

I'm watching this series again thanks to Netflix, and while my skeptc's eye has grown - and I know much more about the realistic history - I enjoy the he'll out of the fun and getting to see my favorite War Bird, The F4U Corsair, fly again!

I say enjoy it. Then switch to the History Channel!!


I bought Black Sheep Squadron Volume I on DVD a couple of years ago. But it didn't do much for me. Bad history aside... the acting isn't very good, and the low-budget quality doesn't do it any favors. I donated it to a yard sale later on.

I'm glad to hear you also love history. It is very fascinating. Not to be a spoiler, but be careful with the History Channel. Some of their programs are great but a lot of their stuff is just downright false information. I'm glad we have it, but at the end of the day, the History Channel is a cable network competing for viewers and ratings just like other networks.

I haven't read Boyington's autobiography, but I have read The Black Sheep: The Definitive Account of Marine Fighting Squadron 214 in World War II by Bruce Gamble. It's really good, very well researched and includes all of the chapters of VMF-214... the pre-Boyington days when the squadron was The Swashbucklers and flew F4F Wildcats; the true story of Boyington and the Black Sheep; and the post-Boyington period when the squadron was carrier-based and flew the familiar overall dark-blue Corsair.


I loved this show when I was a kid and I still watch all the episodes straight through at least once a year. I can get over the historical inaccuracies pretty much but there is just so much wrong with this series that it is almost funny. It is funny actually. They take off with bombs and land with drop tanks. Wiley gets on a transport plane twice (once with his face all bandaged up) they take off in planes with 3 bladed props and land in ones with 4. Planes have kill flags added and removed in midair. I think its safe to say they didn't have anyone paying attention to continuity on this show. You know what though, I don't care. I am a WWII buff and I love the corsair. I'll never give up my Black Sheep Squadron DVDs.


I had one big problem with this show and that is the way the veterans of Black Sheep Sheep Squadron were depicted. I remember one episode when Boyington is shot down and MIA and the squadron sit in their tents and cries about how they can't fly because Pappy isn't there. I thought Boyington really made the pilots of Black Sheep look bad.


I thought Boyington really made the pilots of Black Sheep look bad.
Boyington did not write the script (although he could be blamed for taking part in the series). If you read his can blame him for tooting his own horn and perhaps being inacurate, but it is nothing like the series.


The real stars were the planes. The Corsairs were great fighters.



Nailed it! The fun part was seeing the actual planes fly and the actual WWII footage interspersed.


Thanks spam.
I'm sure you noticed that there are different models of Corsairs on the show.


