Colonel Roosevelt

I just saw on Amazon that Edmund Morris's third volume in his TR trilogy is coming out in November: f=reg_hu-wl_item-added

Thought I would share for any TR enthusiasts out there.

"We're bowling for sinners today!"


I'll be sure to tell Glenn Beck . Have you read Wister's "Story of a Friendship" or Wagenknecht " The 7 Worlds of TR"? Both are good. I've read Morris' first TR volume but can't remember much from it. And didn't he write some awful Reagan bio?


I've read Wister a long time ago. The other doesn't ring a bell.

Morris did indeed write the infamous Dutch but I haven't read it myself. Nor do I intend to. I think both of his TR volumes are masterpieces though.

"I don't want to blow your handsome head to pieces."
