Help me remember a movie

I'm going out on a limb here...but I am trying to figure out the name of a B-movie I saw at a Drive-In circa 1973 or so.
I was about a race car driver who did stunts, mainly it was driving off a ramp over a bunch of other cars...similar to Evil Knieval I guess...
He died at the end in (surprise) a jump that didn't work out too well.
The last scene shows his girlfriend flying back home in silent thought. She had always wanted him to stop 'the lifestyle'.

I have always tried to figure out the name of the movie...I put my question out at this site because those that saw "White Line Fever" perhaps would have seen this movie, they had similar themes and (ahem) budgets. The mid 70's had quite a few of these loner-skilled driver movies...and NO, it is not "Speed Racer". No, it is not a movie called "The Stuntman".

I may never find out, but I'm putting the question out there....thanks.


WoW, over the 1000's of movie trivia questions I've answered, this might be the best one I can remember in a long time. To tell you the truth I do remember a movie like the one you describe but the only movie that comes to mind for around year 73 is a movie called "The Last American Hero". I have not seen it but it deals primarily with car racing, not jumping. There is a girlfriend who wants him to stop racing before he gets hurt. I don't know if he does stunts (car jumping) or if he dies in the end but it stars some big names (maybe not at that time) that I'm sure you would have included in your request.....Jeff Bridges, Gary Busey and Valerie Perrine. Rest assured that if this is not the movie I WILL find out the name of the one you described and post here. Later


Well, I might be wrong, but it reminds me of a movie I saw back in the '70s (only, I think it was '76-77). The name of the movie is "Hooper" and the character was played by Burt Reynolds. Hope it's the one you're looking for...


"Hooper" is the first thing that popped into my head too.

But it doesn't match, as it certainly doesn't end with "... his girlfriend flying back home in silent thought." And coming out in '78, it's way too late.

But "Hooper" is a great action-film, and it also had Jan-Michael Vincent. As far as "films about making movies" go, it's one of the best, with some awesome stunts.


Zack B. is correct, the film to which you are referring was a 1973 actioner titled "The Last American Hero," directed by Lamont Johnson, starring Jeff Bridges and Valerie Perrine.

Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy.-- F. Scott Fitzgerald


The movie described earlier is not "The Last American Hero". That movie is a fictionalized account of NASCAR driver Junior Johnson's life with Jeff Bridges as the star. He does not die at the end of the movie.


Steel Arena?


Perhaps the movie was "Texas Detour"? Haven't seen it, but it came up while I was doing a search for trucker movies. Cut and paste the link.



Guys: I think I have found the movie, "Steel Arena"...Once 'cptcatastrophy' mentioned it, I looked it up and everything seems to jive....I will try to buy/rent it, but I'm sure this has to be it. This is so great getting everyone's help on this...I never would have found this movie had it not been for this stuff! Mark Ewing ([email protected])
