TTT Truck Stop
For those of you who aren't truckers, or don't live in Arizona, the Tucson Truck Terminal (also known as the Triple T Truck Stop, and Mr. T's Truck Stop) is not only still there - but it still looks EXACTLY the same as it did in the film, 41 years later, right down to the paint job outside, all the wood in the restaurant!!!!!
For the most part, it's fairly well kept, the awning over all of the diesel pumps is still there, as are the ladders that the employees use to wash your windshield for you (yes - they STILL do that for you - and they'll even check your oil!)
They can, however, stand to have their truck parking lot paved again, as once every 50 years or so, isn't enough.
The food is still good, the deli in the adjacent building is outstanding, and hopefully, the owner will NEVER sell out to the big chain truck stops!
He's a very cool guy, too: I had to buy some chains and binders for a load I was picking up behind the Air Force Base, and he - in his suit - insisted that he help me carry them out to my truck. I thought he was just a manager, until we got to my truck, and he introduced himself, and gave me his business card!
Of course, all of the cab over trucks that you see in the film are all but extinct, due to safety concerns (they went away before the advent of ABS, and traction control), so from a nostalgia perspective, this film - and the truck stop, are quite the time capsule.