That mother f'ing doll!!

I swear to god that stupid voodoo doll scared the everliving crap out of me. I was four years old when it was on television and somehow I watched it. I FREAKED OUT for months!! Never, EVER forgot it!! Then in my 20's I was in an excellent Seattle video store and I saw the cover of Trilogy of Terror.....and I couldn't believe it!! I hadn't seen that doll for 20 years and there it was, it was real, not an imagined thing from my subconscious.... and it still scared the crap out of me!! Weird, wild thing remembered from my childhood.

Just finished reading "I am Legend" and the story, "Prey" was in there, and lo and behold....that stupid VOODOO doll again! I had to come on so I could take a look at it one last time and see how the doll had been depicted on television. pretty darn scary for a television movie!

(from a Four year old kid who would never be the same again.....)


Ohhhhh yeahhhhh...I made the mistake of watching it ( I was six) and I was scared to look under my bed for weeks after. I just knew I'd see those beady little eyes and sharp teeth.


This effing thing gave me nightmares for a very long time!!!

Yo, she-bitch! Let's go!


This doll freaked me out as a child. I never forgot that doll and would talk about it every now and then. I don't really remember much about the other stories, but that doll was seared into my memory. I am getting the DVD tonight from Netflix and can't wait to watch it. Recently I saw a model of this doll (or maybe it was THE actual doll from the movie) at Universal Studios. The damn thing is STILL terrifying.




Next time you see me, it won't be me


That was mean, Joeloe.



That Zuni doll is the real one on display at Universal Studios. It is the actual doll used in the film. And it is just as scary in real life as it is on television!! And thank God, it was under glass, but still freaking SCARY!!!!



I saw that doll at Univ. Stud. Hollywood years ago. I asked one of the staff there at the time why they didn't rig it to jump out at people. She said they had thought of that, but a feasibility study indicated they would be unable to afford the cost of liability insurance for all the heart attacks. We had a good laugh about that.


Wow, amazing to see I wasn't the only one. I was the kid that watched the Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, etc etc...and yawned. I was nine when I saw this...and that doll was the most palpable fear I had ever experienced! I would run from my bed to the door, and do Superman-esque leaps to get into bed.

My son is six now, I wonder if I should..... :)


Me and my Bro saw this as kids and We LOVED it. That doll became a point of reference for so many things...


LOL My son is six too. I think we should :)


I watched horror flicks on a regular basis with my dad growing up. Blood, guts, the more the better. That damn thank you. I don't remember how old I was, under 10 I know. That damn doll gave me nightmares for YEARS!! I wouldn't even want to be in a room with a closed door because I was afraid of his knife poking out from underneath. Ugh, still gives me the creeps

You got punted in the head? Not my problem


I know exactly what you mean, my nanna let me watch it one night on TV and she was laughing at it while I was freaking out, I was about 7, it would probably make me laugh now after 30 years but I've never forgotten it and how scared I was at the time.


This is the only horror movie that has ever scared me. I don't think I ever want to see it again!

You don't make friends with salad.


Only "The Exorcist" and "Ruby" gave me more nightmares than "ToT". I was afraid to let my feet dangle off of my bed because I thought the darned doll was under there, waiting for me with his little knife.

And when I woke up in the morning, I'd leap off of the bed to get a running start.


My wife found me a copy on VHS (yes, I still fire up the old VCR from time to time) for a whopping .49 cents.


Can you believe they actually sell these dolls, now? Why the hell would you want one of these effers in your house? What if the little chain falls off? Why take the chance?!? ;)


That doll still freak me out.

im saving this space till marriage


Yeah I felt the same way. This doll haunted me for years (I had no idea the name of the TV show until some 26 years later). One afternoon I just wandered into the family room, my mother was sitting in her lazy-boy chair as usual watching a TV show one normal Saturday afternoon, and I did not think much of it, and sat down and watched it too, it was about some strange lady and a doll and her bossy mother on the phone.

The next thing I knew, the doll came alive and went into a murderous whirlwind on the lonely lady. I choked in fear -- the doll attacked in an unrestrained blizzard of swipes. A freaking real nightmare and I found myself paralyzed with fear, while the sun was out and in my home, I felt this doll was real and was going to come out and get me in my own home! I was about 7 or 8 and for about a month I had a hard time sleeping at night and told no one way, ashamed that my fears would spawn the doll in my dark closet or at the edge of my bed by my feet!

Years past and once in a while I would have this bad dream, of this damn doll chancing me in my dreams, and what made him terrorizing was his maddening screaming, as he'd charge at you and attack me and I could not out run him. I just wanted to get the hell away from him, but he'd spawn out of the darkness. Well years later, I found the entire film on YouTube in 4 parts. Well after seeing it again, I can see why it freaked me out, the puppet masters were great in making this doll seem real, and that damn thing cutting out of that suitcase she trapped him in for a few min. But instead of grabbing the knife blade as she did, she should of used a book or something hard to bend the knife, as the fiend was cutting out to kill her!

I agree, if this doll is sold, do not buy it or get near it! Ever!



I think a lot of us who watched that movie and where in the age range of around 6-8 were scared to death of that doll. I remember a couple of years later when I was maybe 9 or 10 spending the night at a friend's house, his folks had a wind up alarm clock and I'll be darned if that clock didn't sound like that doll! Needless to say I didn't sleep that night.
