This is a ridiculous statement because this kind of behavior exists nowhere in nature, and certainly not in human society. There is no known animal who likes to be abused. In societies where rape is common like with chimps the female chimps obviously don't like it, or it wouldn't forced copulation, it would just be copulation. In human society women have family and friends to protect them. This guy did what he did not because he liked her romantically but because he DIDN'T like her romantically. And there is a big difference between wanting someone sexually and romantically.
You have to ask the question why this movie's perspective isn't the norm in society. Men where the ones to create the basic laws we live with now so if men are the master why is society what it is today? In the US before the end of slavery married women had no more rights and in some cases less rights than a literal slave (slaves could work on their off day to earn money to buy their freedom so there was a way out for a small few). A married woman didn't own land, didn't have rights to her own body or her children and could be sent away at the whim of her husband, and had almost no way of making a living if she stayed single. They weren't allowed to divorce if the husband was unfaithful or abusive but could be divorced for being unfaithful or being unable to bear children. For a woman there was almost no way out unless her family was willing to help and sometimes not even then.
So why weren't women treated as badly as literal slaves if they basically had the same legal protection? Because of basic human nature and the fact that even if people aren't always monogamous they are generally still invested in their relationship and invested in building a partnership, not a dictatorship, with shared goals and shared feelings.
Humans, like with birds or monkeys or many other animals, have specific behaviors that lead to sex. One person lets the other know they are interested, they do something nice, maybe gives a gift or even just says I like you or you're pretty and then they both agree. That's romance at it's most basic. Boy meets girl, boy impresses girl, girl agrees to have sex with boy. Anything beyond that is deviant behavior, because the boy meets girl is the norm. And no one should use the deviant perspective to describe what the majority or either men or women want because it's just not true.