Anyone know?
1975, thanks But still don't know where I can watch it
Right now? No idea, unless you can find the 2018 Code Red blu-ray which is OOP.
Thanks agentalbert I will see if I can find a copy for sale online.
Generally, if a film or series is available IMDB tells you where on main page.
Yes, generally it does. Not on this film page
Because the film is not available.
Thats why I'm asking where to buy or watch it
why aren't you trying search engines? You would have had an answer 5 days ago.
I tried and no luck!
The answer is it is not avialable.
...for now okay
There is a blu ray available on ebay, a little pricey, though. $40+
Awesome, now I need to find a blu ray player, ha
Oops, meant to write ebay, not blu ray a second time.
Aw fang okay
Maybe this will find it.
Nice site! Thanks for that