very, very funny

This is the kind of film I would usually not watch, but when I got back from work last night this was on, so I thought I would give it 5 minutes. I sat through the entire film laughing, the great comic timing and the witty exchanges between the characters was almost perfection. I would recommend this film to anyone who loves comedy.
Does anyone know if this is out on DVD in the UK

Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today.


Yes, agree. I've watched it twice right through and laughed even more the second time because there are just so many great lines to pick up on that you miss the first time. Professionalism at its best. Must be the funniest comedy since Simon's "The Odd Couple" seven years before and I haven't seen one as good since. Must give a thumbs-up to the under-appreciated Richard Benjamin too -- a brilliant foil for both the two old guys. His reactions are precious!

