Sonny vs. Bruce

Sonny Chiba vs. Bruce Lee

Think about it, Sonny delvers a lot of classic fight scenes and martail arts moves, but Bruce just kicks ass and was always the best, them two fighting wouldn't sound so bad. Too bad Bruce is dead.


Bruce would've totally pwned Sonny Chiba in a fight, come on, but the cool thing about Chiba is that he is a mercenary. I don't think The Street Fighter would pack as much effect if the guy wasn't the epitome of "antihero."

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!


I think Chiba would win a fight with Lee. How many times has Bruce Lee ended a fight by tearing off a persons penis or throat with his bare hands? Chiba did that more than once.

Bruce Lee is faster, but Chiba is tougher. Chiba is meaner.

If Bruce Lee and Chiba would fight, it would be the best fight this world has seen the past 100 years. I think it would be a very long fight, with each side getting in good punches and kicks. I think the end of the fight would be determined by willpower, and that is why Chiba would win.


Please, Chiba can't do that stuff in real life. Bruce would slaughter him.

Know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe.


Sonny is highly skilled in various Japanese martial arts, but Bruce Lee was skilled in Kung Fu as well as other arts and founded his own Martial Art. Bruce Lee would've won, but it would've been a good fight. Interesting to think that Chiba was to star with Bruce in a film together, but which was shelved as Bruce had died. Sonny Chiba apparently was supposed to meet Bruce and even went to Hong Kong, only to hear that Bruce had just died.
The Streetfigher was made as a response by the Japanese to Bruce Lee's films after his death. Chiba was seen as Japan's answer to Bruce Lee. But this fight is not gonna happen anyway, Bruce is dead and Sonny is old now. Sonny Chiba v Dan Inosanto has more chance of happening.


Well Bruce would be the better fighter but Sonny would probably just rip his *beep* arm off....

"Enough with the badges! When do we get the freakin' guns!?"



This thread is blasphemy. This thread is madness. If they were to fight the whole universe would implode.

"Nothings gonna change my world!"


I don't know what I hate more - Bruce Lee mythology or the fact that I can easily get led into it!

Both Chiba and Lee were actors. You know who'd win in a fight between them? Whatever direction the choreograph dictates! Them in a real fight would be impossible to know because Chiba's old and Lee's dead. In their prime both were acrobatic and both trained in martial arts. Of course anyone who was being truthful about Bruce Lee would tell you he'd hit you fifty times in about half a second, but you wouldn't feel any of it! Bruce Lee is about 98% legend and it all started with a self-defense demo with one of his own students in California. But that was the 60's and that was enough to satisfy just about everybody. He didn't compete and he certainly didn't street fight, which was smart because then he could build a flawless reputation and never look bad. People like Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis, Bill Wallace, etc. who were the real deals back then actually lost once or twice, so they didn't have the same mystique as Lee - plus, except Norris, they weren't actors. But one thing undeniable about Lee - he sparked martial arts interest around the world, and martial arts will always owe him for that.

But for the record, I like Chiba better than Lee any day of the week! His fighting style looks stronger than Lee's.



You really dont know *beep* about Lee do you? Lee doesnt street fight? lulz. The man was a notorious street brawler in Hong Kong, he would constantly fight with local triads and get in trouble with the law, its the main reason he was sent away to cali, if he stayed in China he would have ended up dead or in prison. Not to mention its a known fact he knocked out a boxing champ at the time during his teens in Hong Kong.

Lee was a master through and through, he knew his *beep* go pick up his books, his style, technique and philosophy is superb. His training regime and practices were way ahead of its time. Lee wasnt chained to traditions, he single handedly 'fathered' mixed martial arts & introduced and popularized martial arts to the world PERIOD... Taking the strengths of wing chun, western boxing & fencing, muay thai, karate, judo, etc... and dumping their weaknesses to create the best and most effective method in winning a fight was his method, Jeet Kune Do.

It really annoys me when people like you try to discredit the man as not a "real fighter." Because he very much is. There have been countless eye witness accounts of Bruce beating and knocking out countless challengers during his short lifetime. Being a man in his position and fame, im sure he received challenges EVERYDAY from thrill seekers trying to get their 5 minutes of fame. So of course he wouldn't accept every challenge that went his way, especially AFTER his back injury and the birth of his son and daughter. Acting was just away for him to make a living, to support his family, he lived and breathed martial arts.

Sonny while great at Karate, would get slaughtered plain and simple. Karate is too wooden and robotic wherein Bruce's style is more fluid and not to mention his speed & power were unmatched especially for a man his size. Bruce can adapt to anything.

In movie it up in the air really. But in real life, both in their prime, Bruce wins. Hands down. Seasoned black belts at Karate seeked schooling from Bruce, Including world champs like Chuck Norris. And theres a good reason for it, he knew his stuff, he not only talked the talk, but can back it all up when he had too.

Top Greatest Martial Arts Movies of All-Time:


Bruce Lee was a marketing genius, a fitness guru, an actor, and a martial artist, in that order. Lee's legend is bigger than he ever really was - it worked and it worked big. Pretty much every martial arts school that cropped up in the 70's and 80's was because of Bruce Lee. There's no doubt about it and he deserves every credit in the world for his universal appeal and influence.

Sorry but everything about Lee being a streetfighter is hearsay. I believe it like I believe that Funakoshi did Sanchin on the roof of a house during a typhoon. Just because someone said it doesn't make it true - especially when it comes to martial arts "masters." People have historically embellished martial arts founders - especially as it was introduced to the west during the 60's. It was all about promotion. Bruce knew this and so does Chuck Norris. But really, what would Chuck have to gain by saying anything negative about Bruce Lee? And yet Bruce Lee denigrated the traditions of the past as a hook to sell martial arts to people in America. I don't begrudge him doing that really, but saying things like "boards don't hit" back was nothing but a soundbyte.

But really - neither you nor I could ever know what Bruce Lee could or would do in a real fight because he's dead. It's fun to speculate that's why I say I think Chiba looks like he could do more damage to Lee than the other way around, but Chiba's an old man now and like I said, Lee is dead. There's no way to prove it just like there's no way to prove that Lee was the bad a$$ his followers say he was. Show me some video of Lee in a real fight and I might change my mind, but choereographed fights in a movie do nothing for me. And so-called eye witnesses do nothing for me either because I've heard just as many people that allegedly trained with Bruce Lee that said he'd hit you 50 times in about 3 seconds and you wouldn't feel a thing.
