MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (1975) Discussion > Can anyone find an exception to this rul...

Can anyone find an exception to this rule? *spoiler*

I don't think there are any films where the protagonist has beaten the secretive group or army they've been fighting. The majority of these films is spent finding out the terrifying depth of entrapment, but in the end the protagonist always loses.

It's like trying to stop a virus - either kill all the germs e.g. blow up the town or maybe kill all the individuals in a group meeting. Most of the time though the minority ends up getting consumed into the group.

I don't care if the film is SPOILED for me, but can anyone find an exception to this rule?


I think the movie "wavelength" is an acception.


The Firm.

and the remake of The Stepford Wives

also the X-files episode Arcadia



They more or less win in The Stuff. Not sure if you count a film like that since it's more about a force than a group think mentality. Other Alien parasite films too-- half the time have a happy ending. There are several cult films, that I have yet to see, and I bet sometimes the hero wins.


John Carpenter's They Live


Watch movies much? Andromeda Strain, Independence Day, ANY actual Army/Military movie, all the Terminator movies, Avatar, the Blob, all the Godzilla movies, on and on.

Maybe the losing protagonist movies stick out in your mind, but they are hardly the constant.


Just from the top of my head, the "Body Snatchers"-inspired movies "The Faculty" and "Invasion" have triumphant endings.


Doesn't one of the Body Snatchers movies end with Donald Sutherland becoming one of them & ratting out the other protagonist? I might be thinking of something else, but that moment scared the absolute crap out of me.


You're remembering it correctly. It's a great final scene:


That's it! That movie was unfortunately before my time, but that moment is ten times scarier than most of the junk my generation swears is scary. I think I first saw it on tv when I was little & never recovered. Even just now, I watched it with the volume way down because I knew what was coming! That was a trip watching it again, thanx!
