Get me a Stepford Wife

A woman who doesn't complain, who doesn't yak all the time about your idiosyncrasies, who doesn't whine, bitch and moan that you forgot some important date that she'll always remember, and, who can cook, likes your friends, thinks you should game and go our more often, and who isn't bothered by the fact that you like your life the way it is.



The stepford wives isn't a nightmare or horror film. It's a DREAM COME TRUE!

Get me a damn femme-bot for a wife......NOW!


What if it is a robot (motors and microprocessors)?
What if it is a clone (biological but man-made)?

. . . . and in both cases, it's decision-making is programmed by man/you, not a result of its' own volition.

Are it's acquiescence to your sexual desires (and "CHEERING YOU ON IN BED") really stimulating to your mental libido? Yea, you'll produce your 'man glue', but if you do the thought-experiment, I think you'll find that all you have is a life-sized sex toy not that much more stimulating than those artificial va-jay-jays that all the female porn stars sell these days.

I'm not aroused by the notion of poking something that isn't really saying "yes" to ME. I'll take my hand over a Stepford Wife.


Well, if a man has already convinced himself that the "perfect" say-yes-to- everything, enjoy everything wife is what he wants and goes and gets it, it can only be a small leap to believing that the whole scenario is "real".

-We Provide.....Leverage


Better than someone saying "no", reminding you of your faults, demanding why you forgot special "day-X", or why as she ages you don't find her sexually attractive anymore.

I'm sorry. I'm all for egalitarianism among sexes, races, religions, whatever. But, and this is a BIG BUT, if that person you once loved is perpetually hammering at you why you don't change, why you're putting on pounds, why you don't try for that promotion, why this, why that, why some other damn thing, then that person can take their b__chy attitude and shove it up their @$$.

You grow up liking them, thinking of dating one, but once you do, and you get to know them, and discover how vapid they are, and how they wear out and because less satisfied with you, then it's time to bail.



Hmm---someone's still recovering from a divorce/bad breakup,aren't we? Talk about big time projecting onto a film! And maybe someone didn't find YOU attractive anymore! Typical male, always thinking everything's got to be about them and what they want!


Me? Moi?

Nope. Never been married. I'm a fat bald guy who in his prime had girls calling him up anonymously, following him home, giggling at him from a distance and so forth. The few women I was serious about had some issues. But thank goodness none of it manifested in marriage (nor divorce *wiping sweat off brow*).

I do think Western, and in particular American women are way too selfish. I think there is such a premium on being a female, and all that goes with it, that anything else is seen as a secondary consideration.

When I worked in a drug store we had a massive cosmetic's section that took up more than one aisle. Cosmetics.

Lip gloss, lip stick, fake eyelashes, that stuff you put on your face (whatever it's called) ... just junk made from animals so women could look pretty.

I shrug at it. But it's like if that's your primary task in life, your hobby so to speak, then what does that say about females?

Dang, maybe I should go date and / or marry an Australian aboriginal woman, or a female African Pygmy. Somebody who's already "worn out", who won't demand my paycheque, and gossip about who-knows-what.

There. That make you feel like a big girl?


"The few women I was serious about had some issues"

You are what you attract.  &


An engineering major?


Er...she would be "really saying yes" to you, because she'd be programmed to do so


right on. sign me up


Get me Stepford husband: one who works full time without complaining, turns his pay cheque over to me, gets along with my parents and never raises his voice in anger. And get me Stepford children, respectful almost to the point of adoration, straight A students and all around model citizens. And a Stepford dog who never needs to be taken out and stops barking instantly on command. Sheer perfection all the way around.

That's a joke of course. I'd take real love over perfection in a Lima second.


You forgot about the Stepford Cat!


Oh yes, that too. She'd be the dog's bbf, sweet and cuddly to a fault and an expert bug catcher.


I'm sure it goes both ways. There are plenty of women out there who would prefer a Stepford Husband over you. Kaching.


you probably won't be getting married....or have any woman ever.

"you thought it was me gnawing on the passengers? nah, I'm a vegetarian."


If you treated a woman the way she wants to be she wouldn't have to complain so much. If you want a better wife be a better husband. Just a suggestion.


Well-said, dmelias216.
This guy sounds like a lousy husband himself. Yet he blames it all on the woman.

Either he's lousy or he picks lousy women.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
