MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (1975) Discussion > Did anybody else find Joanna a little an...

Did anybody else find Joanna a little annoying?

I don't know if it was Katharine Ross or the way the character was written or what, but Joanna just seems kind of spoiled and kind of cold and maybe even almost a little rude. I know it was the 70s with the relatively new and fresh sense of freedom for the ladies, and that's all great, but Joanna sure does like to complain a lot. And except for a total schmo for a husband, she's pretty much got it made in the shade. And what's going on when she tells Diz "You don't look like you're someone who enjoys making people happy"??? It doesn't make Joanna look intuitive and sharp, which I'm sure was the intention; instead it just makes her look presumptuous and rude.

Maybe Katharine Ross felt a little defensive and humorless about playing out this stereotype of the female rebel. She's withholding something. Any woman who can call herself Sam Elliott's wife is probably one very neat lady, but Joanna Eberhardt is not very endearing.


It explains better in the book how Joanna is forthright and Walter is very rude about it to her, she reacts by being withdrawn and she feels isolated from other women. I'm explaining it very clumsily btw


This film struck me as a vehicle for woman's lib. Ross's character and her buddy just couldn't believe that a house wife would be content with doing house work. That all women should be like them, and there would be nothing wrong with that. They think that there must be something in the water, ha, ha, ha. Not a good movie, I would not recommend.




