MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (1975) Discussion > Ross and Prentiss should have been Oscar...

Ross and Prentiss should have been Oscar nominated

This was a very weak year for female performances. There was even talk of eliminating Best Actress. Did Ross and Prentiss get any press as possible nominees?


Back then (the 1970s) the "academy" was run by stuffy old people.
BE grateful that Ruth Gordon won for "Rosemary's Baby". The "academy" ALWAYS prefers serious drama over supernatural, science fiction , horror, fantasy and weird themes.

Hence no win for "2001" . I could not believe that "Silence of the Lambs" won best picture the year it did!

"The ENEMY of my ENEMY is my FRIEND"


Ross and Prentiss were fantastic in their roles, but Oscar nominated?


Both gave great performances. Ross certainly deserved consideration for Best Actress in a notoriously lame year, but if they didn’t nominate Mia Farrow for ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ then Ross was always going to have a steep hill to climb for this kind of movie. Prentiss was fabulous too although I could probably have filled out the Supporting Actress category with performances from ‘Nashville’ alone.
