Boring movie..

Might have been exciting 30 years ago...but nowadays, it's really totally unimpressive. I was really bored and actually found myself fast forwarding for half of the film. And I can't imagine why some people would find it disturbing.


Might have been exciting 30 years ago...but nowadays, it's really totally unimpressive.

this is pretty much the stupidest thing someone can say about a movie.


Actually it's not stupid at all. In 30 years we have seen so much more accomplished in film, so many more barriers, tabbooes overcome for example that a movie 30 years old may appear tame, dated even.

This isn't always the case but the exception proves the rule.

I think often one just needs to be able to get into the mood of the times, or your boredom is due to your own impatience.


perhaps if you watched it instead of skipping through it you might have taken it in properly. thats the problem nowadays, if theres no in your face action in the first ten minutes or your not spoonfed a story people cant be bothered!

thats why we get so many unimaginitive and unchallenging films now. there to busy trying to cater for unpatient people who cant be arsed to use a single brain cell whilst watching a film!


So true. Most movies these days really are poor.


Maybe he just needed the movie to open with a song that was going to be featured on the soundtrack. Or maybe there weren't enough MTV style jump cuts.These always make a good movie.Who needs to hear talking? LOL!!!


it actually is pretty boring...
come off it you guys.


The argument that a movie basically becomes irrelevant after a couple of decades because "it's been done better" using contemporary techniques is dumb on its face. If everybody followed that logic all films older than ten years old would be destroyed; eventually, that would include movies made last week.

"Follow those who seek the truth. Beware of those who find it."
