
How I feel about Cronenberg's body of work is summed up so very well in the line spoken by James Ballard in Crash, "It's all so very satisfying.". I've always loved his work and Shivers is no exception. However, I can't think of any other film that makes me nauseous the way that Shivers does, even thinking about it starts my stomach rumbling. Nothing shocks me and there are hundreds of other horror films that depict far worse than what is presented in Shivers. However, the scene at the beginning when the Doctor cuts open the girl and then it shows him spreading open her abdomen, all implied with blood trickling down her side, causes me to feel as if I could vomit. It's such a tame scene by horror standards and I experienced this nausea only during the third or forth time I watched it. It never bothered me before, but I'm sure eating a late breakfast of poached eggs at the time I watched it may have something to do with it. This happened about a year ago and I haven't watched it since. I actuallly didn't even finish the film, I turned it off after 40 minutes or so. Does anyone have a similar experience, maybe not with Shivers but another film that you had scene before that didn't make you nauseous then but does now?




Maybe not NAUSEOUS per-se, I grew up with a satellite dish in the late 80's/early 90's (I was born in 80) and so I got to watch all sorts of horrific movies from the age of 7 and up, it sort of made me impervious to feeling SICK from something in a movie, I approach special effects like that as more an art form than anything, they don't emotionally effect me, just interest me as to how they did it. However, I have felt outright fear from movies scene that pops immediately to mind is the scene in Pet Semetary in which the little girl is forced to go feed her sister with advanced spinal meningitis. The way the sister looks and acts just totally freaked me out when I first saw it (I think I was 10) and I've never really been able to watch that scene since while alone without feeling very distinct fear. Very disturbing scene...I don't even find the movie itself all that freaky (it's OK, the book is better), but the idea of a 10 year old having to feed her terminally ill, HIDEOUS and likely insane sister in some dank bedroom...*shudder* just creeps me out. And it's rare for a movie to really creep me out, the only others that spring to mind are The Exorcist 3 (every bit as good as the original, if not better except for the tacked on ending) and a movie called "Jacobs Ladder"...both I saw as a child and both still affect me to this day.


"God's away on business"
-Tom Waits
