MovieChat Forums > Shivers Discussion > The apartment building.

The apartment building.

Does anyone think that this movie sort-of inspired 'Alien' four years later with the title of the building being 'Starliner' and the chest-bursting scenes? The building was also used as a background setting in Cronenburg's next movie, Rabid.

I traveled to see this very building in Montreal a few months ago this summer and was suprised to see that not much has changed in all those 30 years. The island where it is, Ile-des-soeurs (Island of Nuns), is much more built up than it was in 1975 for instead of one or two high-rise apartment buildings, there are dozens of them all over the island. But I found the right one located on the main boulevard on the southern shoreline. The swimming pool and embankment area, and probaly the underground parking garage are all still there. The only thing is that the neighborhood is an entirely French-speaking community rather than English as portrayed in the film.

I do like to travel to seen the backdrop locations for my favorite horror movies where ever they may be in the USA and even Canada as well. Strange hobby, but I like it just to be there where it was.


Is this the building from the movie?


Old post, but I figure I'd contribute a bit...

No, that's not quite the right building. That one is at 201 Corot and has no balconies. What you're looking for are the two towers (with balconies) at 100 and 200 De Gaspé. The parking lot is located between the two buildings.

And believe it or not, I'm actually considering moving there partly because of the movie! :)


Thanks for the information!


Yeah, 30 years ago, Montreal was a heavily English populated town, but things have changed. Oh how they have changed (sigh).


I think it always was a ''french island''. It's just that Chronenberg chose to make in only anglophone.
